Season of Discovery Druid Deep Dive- Cubicle Chat S2E4 (PART 2)

Season of Discovery Druid Deep Dive- Cubicle Chat S2E4 (PART 2)

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21 thoughts on “Season of Discovery Druid Deep Dive- Cubicle Chat S2E4 (PART 2)”

  1. i only learned how fking insanely good bearform is because i had to play bear between 10 and 20 and i used bear like 30% of the time even afterwards because its such a good form.

    just classic things for adults i guess to learn what your kit can do instead of become "cat druid" or "bear druid" you learn to be a go damn druid instead OH NO!! how could they do such… good design?

  2. Ironically enough I was listening to the first part as I was falling asleep and it cut off right as I rolled over. I thought I had hit a button on my earpieces. If it happens again I’m unsubscribing.
    Jk, I’d never unsub. I’d have to cut off my own pen is .

    love you guys and tysm for all the amazing SoD content

  3. i couldnt agree more with scott wen he said havin a dev like aggrend who consumes content is a great thing. i love it. i think u need ppl that are passionate with this game to work on it.

  4. I honestly enjoy timing my consumes with powershift, even when OT /cancelform /use barkskin /use mana/healing potion/dark rune/demonic w/e it was. Yeah, it sucked losing a large pool of rage in bear to shift out but if the alternative is death that really brings up the skill cap of situational awareness.

  5. I dont get why would you use Shred over mangle ever? Mangle is 300% dmg for 35 energy with Ferocity and Shred is 225% + 54 for 60 or 54 energy. Was math done on this already?

  6. I think Stormrage isn't a bad shout for the very simple reason that it seems the first runes are fixing a problem for leveling. Without crusader strike, paladin leveling is just auto attack and maybe judgement every ten seconds. crusader strike is an obvious fix. All druids, regardless of eventual spec, will be wrath spamming until bear form, and even then. Their major problem is mana. Stormrage fixes that.

  7. 👍👎❤☹🙂⚽🍆👌
    I watched the first part live then came back for this after the union mandated break haha. ALSO THE SUPERCHAT ABOUT SHAZZ IMMUNITY WAS ME I HAVE FAILED YOU SCOTTE!!! OTL

    I had superchatted asking about fire immunity using fire mage as an example but also stuff like tank shaman molten blast since that is a bonus threat modified spell. I'd tacked on shazz arcane "immunity" later because a guildy brought it to my attention and I didn't double check when he said shazz was immune.

    Great podcast though mates! I look forward to my pin (copium)

  8. I think you guys really would have benefitted from a resto Druid represented. Maybe not at 25, but at 40 and 60, regrowth is an amazing part of a resto Druid toolkit, thanks to world buffs having a 75% or 80% crit chance of regrowth is amazing. Regrowth spec could for sure pump hard on the healing meter.

    That said, I think he was too hard on feral tanks, remember, warrior tanks needed to be grouped with the shaman for windfury and stoneskin. Nothing changes in sod, warriors will still need windfury, it’s just windfury can come from either a Druid or a shaman.

    Edit: or he played alliance, and didn’t even realize how important group composition was for your maintank group, they got priority for your limited number of shaman even over dps warriors and rogues…

    Edit 2: and also, I disagree with the argument that bosses being immune to certain types of damage is “shit design”. Part of playing vanilla, the first time around, retail vanilla; you couldn’t stack “the best” classes because you never knew what was going to be “the best” class. And what is the best in molten core might not be the best in the next tier, and yet you want to keep those players/characters into your guild roster. I hated the static meta of classic 2019-2023, it ended up as boring, especially in tbc with its extremely stringent meta raid requirements for sunwell raiding.

  9. Why not put some this stuff on tier gear? Or making tear worth it for the none main spec. Everything frome wrath shouldn't be just thrown on a rune and added to classic.
    Or just add wolfheads helm to all the tear sets for feral.


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