Season 3 Episode 11 | The Repair Shop (Full Episode)

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Today in The Repair Shop, Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. Resident clock expert Steven Fletcher and ceramics conservator Kirsten Ramsay toil on a fragile 19th Century Clock. Several of the porcelain details were broken off when the clock took a tumble several years ago but with Steve’s mind for mechanisms and Kirsten’s eye for detail, the pair soon have it looking and sounding as good as new. Saddle maker Suzie Fletcher answers a mayday call from a young man who wants to surprise his father by having a WW2 pilot’s bomber jacket restored. The ripped and weathered jacket was worn by his grandfather, while serving in the RAF’s Coastguard Command, protecting our home coast from attack. Suzie rises to the challenge and carefully restores this important piece of history, much to the delight of the family. Meanwhile, antique type writer restorer George Blackman completely dismantles and rebuilds a type writer with impressive military and royal connections.

Watch full episodes of The Repair Shop on BBC iPlayer 📺

Nestled deep in the British countryside is The Repair Shop, where a team of Britain’s most skilled and caring craftspeople rescue and resurrect items their owners thought were beyond saving. Together they transform priceless pieces of family history and bring loved, but broken treasures, and the memories they hold back to life.

If you have a treasured item that’s seen better days and you think our experts can help, please get in touch now! 👉


22 thoughts on “Season 3 Episode 11 | The Repair Shop (Full Episode)”

  1. You guys can't upload these seasons fast enough. My brother and I were enjoying watching episodes on Discovery Plus ( think) and then all of them suddenly disappeared! It was a sad day.

  2. The ornate clock and the old typewriter are truly exquisite items. Those people who can restore them to such beauty and working order deserve all my respect and admiration. Truly a wonderful show.

  3. All three restorations were beautifully done and so interesting. Those old typewriters are not only great feats of engineering but beautiful machines in their own right. Sort of made me wince when the repairer said people just throw them out. Thanks for another outstanding show. ❤


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