Sea of Thieves: SURPRISE STREAM at Monkey Island

Yo-ho, yo-ho, me-maties!

Sea of Thieves came out when I was still in college, and I immediately fell in love with the game concept. Pirates, sailing around with other players, hunting for treasure and killing cursed skeletons? Sign me up!

A new adventure was just created for the game that focuses on a crossover with another series – the Legend of Monkey Island. Have I played those games before? No. Have I heard a lot about their point-and-click adventure? Absolutely! Plus, I’m always excited to play new pirate content.

This is technically Part 9 of this series.


Just in case anyone happens to see this – I’m a Middle School teacher for Multimedia. I teach kids ages 11-14 all about filming, editing, voice recording, things like that!

This year (starting in the summer, because WOOHOO, summer break!), I am learning more about YouTube Live by actually streaming to it. I want to be a more informed person about this type of streaming, so that any questions that my future students ask can be answered with some experience!


Ambient Music provided by Harris Heller from StreamBeats. Look them up, they’re awesome!


I’m hiding this all the way down here. I personally don’t think it’s a good idea for me to push for monetary donations when I’m mostly just streaming to my students, but enough of them have asked how it would work that I finally broke down and set up a way to tip. Please, please, only tip money if you really want to show support for a Multimedia teacher learning more tricks of the trade. The money will go directly into funding the stream itself, through games and broadcasting materials.


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