Sea of Thieves Live! | GIANT SHARK HUNTING (Sea of Thieves Season 9)

Pirate Andy and Pirate Mike return to the Sea of Thieves on the hunt for a Megalodon: a deadly giant shark that terrorizes the high seas and devours unwary sailors. Watch the stream live from Tuesday 18 April at 4:00PM UK time.

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37 thoughts on “Sea of Thieves Live! | GIANT SHARK HUNTING (Sea of Thieves Season 9)”

  1. Megalodons are pirates themselves. They are opportunistic treasure hunters and like to attack when the booty is large and unguarded. Load up the ship and then sit idle in deep open water and you shall find your mark.

  2. Is the upcoming Oxventure Presents one of the Deadlands run by Andy? That fun but lore heavy Starwars ttrpg run by Mike? Root run by Ellen? Vampire the Masquerade run by Jane? Cyberpunk run by Johnny? Or Gravity Rip run by Luke? If I'm right maintain the mystery, don't respond, just nod.

  3. The deadspace chat was a little sad. "It's not really beneficial to us to keep playing deadspace because the videos just get demonetised, they get deprioritised in search, 'so no one gets to see them, or very view people gets to see them', " I get it, you want new subscribers, to see growth and to earn from everything you do. But, some people WOULD get to see them, your subscribers, the people who watch everything you do, buy your merch and suggest your stuff to friends. I understand we are just people who you've already got, so we are of less value than the potential new viewers. But hearing how little we are weighed into that decision is sad.

  4. As the old adage goes death and taxes.. what they don't tell you is being dead doesn't mean you don't have to pay taxes.. 😏😂
    Looks like you guy's found some ghost money..
    Don't forget to pay your ghost taxes.. remember being alive is no excuse not to pay your ghost taxes..😏😂

  5. Do paladins prepare spells? YES! A paladin can prepare a list of spells available for them to cast from the paladin spell list. How many you can prepare depends on your cha modifier and paladin level. But really most of a paladin's spell slots should go towards uses of divine smite. It's a second level paladin ability. When a paladin hits with a melee weapon attack a spell slot can be expended to deal extra radiant damage. But someone please tell me that Egbert knows about divine smith by now. I'm extremely behind on the videos.

  6. this was a great stream to watch, makes me want to try this game again, nice to see them take out the ghost thing and the other ship and most importantly a meg.
    though it is a little weird to have one of these streams and not have Mike placed in the brig so i can only imagine next time there will be 3 people so they have enough people to make sure they can vote Mike in
    also it was nice to see the most rarest thing of all, Mike customizing a character with cosmetic options and what great options he chose

  7. I like how Mike has an absurd amount of money, spends most of it. But still didn't buy a shirt.

    I am glad he had no issues with his character wearing makeup or a skirt if it pulled off the look he was going for. Skirts are great and more dudes should try them

  8. To answer the mid-stream question, what actually went wrong in Jurassic World (aside from the obvious):

    Once loose, the uzi-wielding-T-rex did a fair bit of damage on its own, then broke part of the aviary, releasing the dimorphodons and pteranodons. No other dinosaurs actually escaped (unless you include the Camp Cretaceous events). The villain of the piece (because apparently terrifying dinosaurs eating people isn't cool enough for a modern film) decided to hunt it down with the raptors and, in his defence, that DID work. Then the carno-raptor-rex was all, "Hey guys, wanna eat some humans?" and they were down with that plan. So now there are loose raptors. At the very end, they lured the T-rex to where the invisi-saur was, with no plan for recapturing it, though by that point enough people had been injured by the pterosaur attack (and, honestly, the following stampede of terrified margarita-toting humans) that there wasn't much point rehousing the main attraction.

    TLDR: Capitalism took priority over sense and safety. Carnage ensued.

  9. So, I was on after the stream and flew emissary flag under the order of souls and started collecting the pirate skulls. I can't remember how many we had collected, I think we had about 10 and we had a Meg attack us on our way to an outpost. Took me by surprise with how long it's been since I played last

  10. 1:29:54 – Okay, that moment when Mike dived in, and then just directly came face to face with the Megalodon was scary. Like, cool scary, but scary, nonetheless. I think that's a legit powerfully organic moment – kinda reminds me of that planet in The Outer Wilds (which, in my book, is as high as a praise can get, as far as gaming experiences go).


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