Scump Drops 121 Kills On His First Time Playing New Shipment

In This Video Optic Scump Drops 121 Kills On His First Time Playing The New Shipment. It Was Pretty Sick And I Hope You enjoy …


47 thoughts on “Scump Drops 121 Kills On His First Time Playing New Shipment”

  1. If you see someone switching weapons like that , you know they sweats … All they do is this. Imagine just trying to play after an Actual job and run into this people? After him saying he's trying to stream more 😂

  2. Actually i cant see the problem. I drop 100 Bombs on shipment every second round(except of Team deathmatch etc.) Shipment is easy. Actually basic gameplay, would love to see him in my enemie team to see if could destroy him.

  3. I went 119-32.. two years ago on mw shipment.. the screenshot is on my Xbox I believe I could hang with the pros especially if they was on my team but I'm no streamer I ain't even got a pc so just think of all these people that's really good at the game but can't stream

  4. u know he is legit good because this is what a regular game of shipment feels like when its full of explosion and people actually shooting back and hitting. unlike most other shipment gameplays from others

  5. Shipment is literally the least fun map… I don’t see how people can enjoy it. You basically have a life span of 5 seconds. Kill as many as you can in 5 seconds. Rinse and repeat.


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