Scp 3812 vs True Form Oblivion,Rune King Thor,Archie Sonic #shorts


13 thoughts on “Scp 3812 vs True Form Oblivion,Rune King Thor,Archie Sonic #shorts”

  1. Archie sonic can defeat them bro all of them he can rewrite the world to where the never existed he can even recreate it like he ran so fast he became older like you can’t tell me otherwise

  2. Scp-3812 eith proof:
    Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Reality Warping, Conceptual Manipulation (Implied to have erased an entire concept – which existed as far as the 1980s – from reality and the collective consciousness of all sentient beings), Teleportation, Space-Time Manipulation (Constantly creates spatial and temporal anomalies, which can be accompanied by sudden outbursts capable shifting or heavily damaging local space-time), Matter Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Weather Manipulation, Void Manipulation (Can erase things to the point that all memory of them is lost, and only vague, fractured remembrances remain in human minds), Explosion Manipulation, Higher-Dimensional Manipulation, Creation, Shapeshifting, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Teleportation, Acausality, Plot Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Physics Manipulation, Resistance to Power Nullification (SCP-3812 was completely unaffected by an anti-metaphysical field generated by an unknown SCP whose remnants alone gave origin to SCP-239), Gravity Manipulation (Was unfazed after walking through a naked singularity), Void Manipulation and Plot Manipulation

    Scp-3812 slam


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