Scottish independence ignites UK PM race: Truss, Sunak oppose Scotland referendum | World News

Leadership contest continues in the United Kingdom as contenders Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss target Scottish votes at Perth Hustings. In a bid to woo conservatives there, Sunak and Truss have openly expressed their opposition to a second Scottish referendum.

#ToryLeadershipRace #RishiSunak #LizTruss

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43 thoughts on “Scottish independence ignites UK PM race: Truss, Sunak oppose Scotland referendum | World News”

  1. Truss is insulting the intelligence of the Scottish Conservatives by glossing, distracting, generalizing, confessing and avoiding. She's delivered nothing in the last 12 years but misery, 2 dud prime ministers, Brexit misery and alienation, trade breakdown with EU and the US, opportunistic Johnson self serving support of the Ukrainians and the enhanced indignity and disrespect of the British people.

  2. This is so funny coming from a country who left EU because it wanted self-determination and now it is refusing that same right to another country.
    Funny how this works! You’re not mature enough to make your own decisions. Trust in us, we do so all the time and it’s boring. You’ll grow tired of it very soon. Thanks god you have us to take those kind of decisions for you.

  3. Britain looted 45 trillion from you india and gave you a scar to your face called pakistan as a goodbye gift. They abused your cultural "a visitor is God" way. You dont need me to remind you of this india.

  4. Free Scotland let the people of Scotland decide their future … a true democracy should let the people to decide their destiny… free Scotland .. uphold democracy.. UK have no right to oppose the aspiration of the scotish people … an independent sovereign Scotland is the dream of the Scottish public

  5. If India was divisble for the limeys why cant the UK? I say long live an independant Scotland dont let the english fleece you and call the shots in Scotland. And Ireland should be reunited and independant from the UK. If the UK did not want EU overlords why should Scotland choose to be overlorded by the english?

  6. Water crisis occurred in European countries because of war between Ukraine & Russia….
    Water evaporation occurred entire Globally….
    Those who supplied weapons were responsible for water crisis in entire Europe


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