Scott Ritter Two-Minute Topic: Liz Truss Resigns

Our favorite weapons inspector calls for King Charles to dissolve Parliament.


41 thoughts on “Scott Ritter Two-Minute Topic: Liz Truss Resigns”

  1. As British and Canadian citizen it pains me too say but the UK of Grandfather who was career RAF serving from the 1936 until 1966 is gone. It for sure it wasn't perfect (my grandfather was a son of a Welsh coalminer and was wounded 4 times in WW1 and he told my grandfather at 14 you have 2 options son down the mines or in the military there is no other option. During my Grandfather's time the UK went from one of the greatest powers on the earth (but riven by inequality). To one of the great powers that defeated Fascism to the end of the British Empire (its a good thing the empire is no more) to the de-industrializion of the UK to the sick man of Europe in the 70s to the destruction of the unions in the 80s. My grandfather never forgave Maggie for withdrawing the navy from the area around the Falklands he said Argentina never would have invaded if wasn't for that and cost the lives of a lot of good men. To the war criminal and poodle Blair.
    It pains me too say but I'm happy he's not alive to see the UK now. If there was 1 thing you could trust about the UK government before Blair it was that would they would treat things seriously, they would act accordingly, govern with pragmatism and pursue the long term realistic interests of the country as they saw fit (I disagree with many off on what was the right course but they are the gov not me). And they would so calmly.
    The UK has become a farce a sad caricature of what it was. Johnson the foolish amoral clown. Truss unfit to be the postman let alone PM and now tax dodging Sunak he became PM through the most crass of party intrigue. Delusional, farcical incompetent fools.
    Even worse they all act, talk and threaten as if it was the UK of 1913 not 2022. I mean the UK in 2022 isn't even as capable as the UK of 1982. There bluster about how they are giving a Security guarantee to Finland and Sweden until they join NATO to protect them from Russian aggression… lol what first of all Russia is not going to invade Finland or Sweden period. Second of if they were going too you think your security guarantee would make any difference? You got your asses kicked out of Afghanistan last year acting as the USAs mini me. You know because the UK has the special relationship with the US. You know about the special relationship don't know because UK PMs won't shut f up about it. The Special relationship died with Maggie at very latest. Then relationship since the is overlord vassal.
    They do freedom of navigation sails through the Chinese man-made reefs to show those Chinese who's boss. Lol your carrier didn't even have aircraft on it.

    Allright this message is already insane ill my final point when I feel like it

  2. Великобритания была сильна своими колониями и былыми победами. Все нынешние усилия превращаются только в "испорченный воздух". Время идёт вперёд. Значимыми становятся государства с ресурсами и как следствие с возможностью экономического развития. Какие ресурсы на острове? Какие ресурсы без колоний?

  3. I'm an old English guy Scott and have voted Tory all my life, although often with reluctance, but no more. Reform UK is now the true conservative party. Wake up people!

  4. Sunac was the chosen one by Charles himself so the UK is going down for the count. The ppl need to vote to abolish the Monarchy then disolve Parliament then vote in real free elections

  5. I think people all over the world should overthrow their governments which are corpotatins' puppets in most cases. And after that we should build a real democratic state of Human race where people will have direct means to affect the course of action. No sane human wants war, but it doesn't stop governments from starting wars again and again.

  6. Everytime the British 🤡 listen to the Marxist Democrats 💩 of the United States 🇺🇸, they get same case of the Shits💨. Simply when the creators of the KKK and Jim Crow laws the Marxist Democrats 💩 try you lead you in Their IQ below 86 plans, give this🖕!

  7. Corporations are people to Welcome to your Corporatocracy (where we are ruled by corporations). I don't know if we can call it global, but it certainly fits from UK to US and from Canada to Australia.
    Maybe that's what that ole globalism was all about eh?

  8. Problem is, the majority of MPs from whatever party are under the control of the WEF (many have been through the Global Young Leaders Programme) & are pro-EU, pro-globalisation, through back-handers/share ownership. Only a day ago, did the Leader of the Official Opposition (Keir Starmer, Labour Party) held discussions with Bill Gates discussing all things medical, green & Central Bank Social Currency based on Carbon Footprints.

  9. The Royal prerogative was last used in 1704. Charlie could do it, but only if he feels the government of the day is not acting in the interests of the people. It'd be one hack of a mess though – As we don't have a written constitution it'd go to the courts, and appeal after appeal.

  10. It’s a change on the child’s games Scott pass the parcel an musical chairs lol
    Pass the Prime Minister an someone gets the hot seat .
    It’s called. Fracking Freaks 😂😂😂😂

  11. Human basics are easy to understand. Governments that care for people are clear in their policies so a common citizen will feel the government is working for him among others citizens.
    While Capitalist governments, its head is a big capitalist, or he is a front mask for a big capitalist-s. the public opinion is formed by media working for capitalists. Except the few how are out of control like Scott, Assange , Chomsky and alike. But their public reach is limited.

  12. Truss was replaced by a Globalist WEF scumbag. The UK will be destroyed by this guy. Tories' platform is globalization.
    Just like in America, the UK doesn't represent the people. I wonder if Russia will be teaching these corrupt traitors a big lesson.

  13. Lis Truss was the one who stated that she was ready to push the red button to nuke Russia. How the hell is that 'conservative'?
    She's a maniac and the WEF scum that replaced her is worse. Though really how can one be worse than Truss threatening to Nuke Russia? That can and will happen; worse than Truss, forever.

  14. The Western governments show deafness to their citizens. They destroy their countries inside. The UK ruled India for a long time, now the Indian rules the UK. The history may suddenly suprise.

  15. Liz Truss' legacy may well be that she was in charge when somebody (probably) authorized an act of war in attacking russian infrastructure designed to benefit russia economically, and provide energy security for europe… in a sense, not only did she (likely) authorize an attack against russia, she authorized an attack against europe by ordering/authorizing the nordstream attacks.


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