Scott Ritter: The US is using tactics from 1980 to fight Russia's modern warfare


31 thoughts on “Scott Ritter: The US is using tactics from 1980 to fight Russia's modern warfare”

  1. What a load of shit. Most drones are taken out by AAA fire, as they are low and slow. Gepard, ZU-23-2, and even truck mounted .50 cals can react quickly to a launch and set up along the drone's path. It is a layered defense with ballistic missiles and Kinzhals taken out by longer range missile systems like Hawk and Patriot, and NASAMs for shorter range intercepts. Any intelligence corporal would know this, so why doesn't Scottie. Because he's an idiot and a Kremlin talking head.

    Russian assets can't find these missile launchers, and even if they do, they have nothing to engage them with, and their kill chain is so slow the launchers have moved by the time they get their sh*t together.

  2. Many young conservative Americans are actually glad the United States is becoming isolated, becouse ISOLATIONISM is what the For Fathers insisted on in the first place. If we would have stayed isolated in World War 1, then Hitler would have never needed to come to power and start World War 11. Our interferrence in WWI CAUSED WWII.

  3. An entire generation of men lost in Ukraine, Apartheid Israel sent the Nazi Azzovs machine guns, it is now not even sending tanks because they need them for the Gazans (who are obliterating them with tank driving running and screaming from the battle field). Now Ukraine is sending the elderly and pregnant women to the front lines. Russia wanted peace, Boris Johnston said no…and now Russia owns the richest parts of Ukraine. The west has failed Ukraine, Apartheid Israel is committing genocide, and the world is closer to nuclear war. People need to wake up.

  4. look at the quality of usa polticians, in or contending for rule of the nation. obama not stupid, but normally they are both crooked and dim. the structure of the government is blatantly to support the informal rule of the rich. good character a handicap, intellifence optional, when your position exists to execute the wishes of your patron.
    the army has fought no war against an equal since 1945. they even had to repurpose the units, from defense in war to aggressive attack, and simple mass murder. what kind of people sign up for that? .
    the army does not fight for the people., or even the rich. it fights for a wage, and survival.. towards the top the motivation is personal power, and prestige
    that kind of army is easily re-purposed to the wishes of a dictator. which could be better than the current rotten mess.
    quite like the end of republican rome, really. the only worry is, usa doesn't generate caesars.
    yesmen in uniform more their style.

  5. Donner Corrupt US & MSM Tyranny!
    What Western people believe is an orchestrated daily toxic HOAX of US propaganda. More people are waking up and BRICS IS A Shining light at the end of the tunnel. However, the American people can't be saved. The US will continue to push for war with Russia and China and if they succeed they will lose. Their Military and weapons are BS like their propaganda. The US is blocking Nerinberg's war crimes investigations in Brussels. The US Bombs and pilages, and China and Russia build and sell products and energy.

  6. Scott Ritter has turned into a rabid anti-Semite on top of being a convicted felon. But his hatred of Israel is so idiotic. He told Judge Nap once it was because a guy he knew told him about a buddy’s best friends cousins sisters aunt who saw Netanyahu on a tank in the 1980s give a weird look at the person. Guy used to be cool before he started turning into Hitler

  7. Scott, about the ISIS thing. I don't think most people think the US creates these terrorist groups with the future in mind. They arm them because they're convenient, they're proxies that will fight the people they want to fight at the time, and if the objective is accomplished, or if for some other reason they are no longer of use, they abandon them. As a result, these groups wreak havoc after because they still have left over weaponry from the US, and more inportantly they have training from the US.

    I personally believe that the US is by far the most evil country in the world.

  8. ISIS was a group project, it was the result of creating a lot of militias in Syria by the Qataris, Emirates, Saudis, and Turks all under the watch of the US, UK, and France in the hope that it would be enough to take out the Butcher Assad and ISIS were the smart guys in those groups because why fight for those states when you already have everything they sent You? just take control of yourself, declare your own state and do useful things for all sides to give you more time because you're being useful and hopefully that time would be more than enough to become bigger than anything they can reverse aka Taliban/Al Qaida.

  9. Blasts Ukraine for having 'no money' to pay wages. After two years of footage from Russian soldiers complaining about delayed pay, KIA being recorded as MIA so that no payouts are needed and more recently, foreign fighters 'recruited' with promises of riches they will never receive.

    Denmark have delayed the F-16 plan due to a lack of readiness on the Ukrainian side to receive them. That's for the Danes to decide. Similar to the US reasoning on the Abrams before them. Or did they also think the war would be over in six months, twelve months ago? Twelve months in which there has been little to no change to the frontline.

    He then rubbishes the impact of a few NATO members sending in troops, en-masse individually, when we all know that isn't what would happen. And lets not compare a professional fighting force to a largely undertrained, underequipped conscript Army.

    The idea that it's the US that are stuck in the past and not Russia is frankly laughable. Drone experts apparently after having to learn the hard way from the Ukrainians throughout. And while using poor, ineffective kit sold by Iran that is having an abysmal success rate on the battlefield.

    Maybe he should stick to addressing CGI crowds in hostile nations.


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