Scientists Turned 5 Astronauts Into Super-Humans So They Can Populate an Alien Planet

When humanity starts looking for other planets to inhabit, a group of soldiers will put themselves through genetic experiments that will allow them to withstand the conditions of outer space.

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22 thoughts on “Scientists Turned 5 Astronauts Into Super-Humans So They Can Populate an Alien Planet”

  1. This movie is a shit…..don’t waste your time on a scenario just full of incoherences !! I know it’s sci-fi, but in a good sci-fi movies you can feel like it could be realistic…..nothing matches in this one !!
    And the end : so dull…..the guy is alone on Titan like a castaway, no equipment, no shelter, no food, and good luck to populate the planet with no one to do kids with…..A big big shit 💩

    The poor actors are trying their best, but with such a scenario…’s just a waste of time !!!!!

  2. Overpopulation is a myth. Population of world is in process of topping out and in 200 years we will be on a rapid decline – not from global warming, hunger, or poverty. But due to wealth


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