Scientists Find New Way To Control Quantum Computers

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Today we’ll talk about climate engineering, quantum computers, how to tell a nuclear bomb from TNT, what an atom really looks like, random keys from cosmic rays, who is filing the most patents and on what, climate labels for food, a tractor beam that didn’t quite live up to my expectations. And of course, the telephone will ring.

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00:00 Intro
00:34 Climate Engineering
03:17 Better Spin Control for Quantum Computers
05:45 Was that a Nuclear Bomb?
07:49 Attosecond Imaging of Neon Atoms
09:56 Secure Random Keys from Cosmic Rays
12:17 Patent Report 2022 Holds Some Surprises
15:34 Climate Labels for Food
17:20 Tractor Beam (kind of)
19:12 Into The Impossible With Brian Keating

#science #sciencenews


22 thoughts on “Scientists Find New Way To Control Quantum Computers”

  1. I am a new subscriber, but this channel has instantly piqued my interest. One bit of (hopefully constructive) criticism is the way to describe a quantitative difference. At 18:39 the description given is “20,000 times less than normal atmospheric pressure”. I understand that standard atmospheric pressure is defined as 101,325 Pa, so 20,000 times less is -2,026,358,677 Pa. There must be a less ambiguous way to describe the intended value. To me, this is like saying the temperature outside is twice as cold as in this refrigerator.

  2. Atoms are most likely to look like solar systems. And molecules ( groups of atoms ) are more likely to look like galaxies. And cells would be like universes.

  3. The Laser Tractor Beam is My IDEAL…. I proposed this to a company over 15 years ago. they said it wouldn't work. I used a Y lens to Rotate the laser beam (creates a cylinder of light that rotates) and a static charge sent down the middle of the laser bean to charge the item you want to tractor, this gives it a positive or negative charge and can then be attracted or replied from the ship using a opposite or identical charge on the attractor plate. the laser tunnel keeps the charged particles together like a water pipe.

  4. They'll just add food coloring to broccoli. This is a no brainer. Also ablative reactions to create movement is not a tractor beam which pulls. You'd have to be hitting the backside of an object meaning whatever side you are firing at goes away from you, aka a push.

  5. Current attitudes to nuclear power and the price/profits for generator companies as well as the fuel suppliers and the transport companies are the greatest inhibition for true climate change action. Electrical energy in almost limitless quantities would allow for desalination on a global scale. The water could be used for human consumption, environmental inflows and greening of the planet. Photosynthesis is natures way of removing the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and it needs water. Another effect would be the raising of ground water levels as this alone can have a massive effect on global warming. Done properly the desertification processes of the earth could be stopped and reversed.

  6. 20 mK is plenty warm according to your dad. He sets the thermostat there and if you try and change it, he will go on a rant about when he was a kid, they kept the thermostat at 3 mK and he was fine

  7. 2:30 there are legal disputes that prevent this
    water rights are very serious in the US States scheme of things,
    California is prohibited from climate engineering because rainfall has to land across state line at risking watershed and resevoirs

  8. Testing Bell’s Theorem with Circular Polarization, invented about 17 years ago by Prof. Michael Escuti of the University of North Carolina based on a birefringent grating, we get almost the opposite of what QM predicts. The quantum state predicts that we should observe the two entangled photons with the same handedness 84.8% of the time and with the opposite handedness 15.2% of the
    time. Experimentally, one entangled photon transmits into the left circular polarization path and the other one into the right circular polarization path about 86.3% of the time (opposite handedness). The mean probability of the two photons having the same circular polarization is 13.7%. The data favor the opposite handedness hypothesis by over 300 sigmas compared to the QM predictions!
    Although Clauser, Aspect, and Anton Zeilinger were awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics- and the Nobel Prize nowadays acts as a rubber stamp of approval- the CHSH experiment used the metric + + + -, so was guaranteed to get a result over 2. Previous experiments, now whitewashed, used parametric down conversion but got under two. Classical physics would predict here the number 2, whilst quantum physics predicts the violation of Bell Inequalities here as the number 2√2 = 2.828. Rosenfeld et al. (2017), for example, came up with S = 2.221 ± 0.033, nowhere near it. Santilli, Einstein and Bohm may be right about local realism after all.


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