Scenes Avatar Didn’t Show You

Scenes Avatar: The Last Airbender Didn’t Show You

Tenzin & Aang Comic:

Azula & Zuko Comic:

Azula Burned By Ozai Comic: (thumbnail too)

#avatar #avatarthelastairbender #atla


42 thoughts on “Scenes Avatar Didn’t Show You”

  1. are samurais exist in last airbender?
    if not, i think it would be cool if zuko created the samurai as a way to protect the fire nation if another person like ozai rise to power

  2. If you change the story, don't do it simple, change the villain so that Ursa is the bad one, so it would be more epic, because she was Roku's granddaughter, therefore it could be argued that she is more powerful than ozai and be a more dangerous villain. This Ursa would be like having an adult version of Azula from the original series, but at her pinnacle of power as an adult.

  3. It's pretty standard canon that Ozai favoured Azula over Zuko as soon as he noticed their personalities. In the comics, Azula was always sociopathic, even as a kid, and Ozai always praised her for every rotten thing she did (i.e. attacking her own firebending teacher). He literally saw himself in Azula and weakness in Zuko, so it makes sense that he would always support Azula and never show kindness to Zuko.

  4. Ok but kids saying they wanna marry their parents when they're really young is actually pretty normal since kids don't know what it even actually means. I think they get told "you marry someone because you love them" and they think "well I love my parents so ill marry them!" It's actually pretty cute when you think of it that way, just children being children. As long as they aren't like almost an adult or a teenager then it's mostly not weird.

  5. (Me in the first 1:15 seconds of this video): "Aww, what a great and touching moment between Aang and his son. That so perfectly encapsulates everything that—WHY IS CENTAUR IROH A THING? WHAT WOULD WE EVEN CALL IT?! 'CENTAIROH?' SH*T WHY DOES THAT WORK SO WELL??"

  6. I mean the people who Aang got mad at for getting the tattoos in the comic still know the techniques, even if the tattoo artist is a position of cultural significance like some cultures they clearly have someone who’s picked up the techniques and could pass them on.

  7. It's so sad because Azula says in the show, "You can't treat me like this! You can't treat me like Zuko!" Because she always tried to win over her father's love. She quickly saw that her father's love was achievable by her skill, the one thing Zuko didn't have. She did everything she could to please her father, to earn his conditional love as it was the only love she knew how to earn. She did it cause her mother always focused on Zuko, as to let him feel loved since he couldn't please his father the way his sister could, her being the prodigy she was. This resulted in Azula feeling as though her mother loved Zuko more than her. She started picking up on her father's actions. She tried to act like him, be cruel like him. This only made her relationship with her brother and mother worse. Her mother who unknowingly emotionally neglected her daughter treated her like there was something wrong with her when she started acting this way, which she had a right to be concerned about. Azula furthermore went on thinking her mother thought she was a monster. She said "You can't treat me like Zuko" because when she realized that her father thought less of her brother, she took that as an opportunity for him to love her more because everyone else loved Zuko more.

  8. The topics in the video were only the tip of the iceberge. I had the honor of talking to the shows creators and discover that they were cut content from the planning of the show. Here it is:

    A Avatar that wanted to conquer all.
    Watertribes original island home.
    Toph's arranged marriage.
    Zuko speaks with the Storm God.
    Katara loses a finger.
    Cabbage becomes a governor.
    Werewolves and Vampires.
    Korra is seduced by darkness.
    The Day of Spirit Song.
    Waterbreather guy.
    Sokka learn. waterbending.
    Talking Dragons.
    The Gods of the Four Nations.
    The Creator.
    Aang's death upon defeating Ozai.

    This what was planned but was cut for various reasons. Intresting really.


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