Save Money This Fall with These Easy Frugal Hacks

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Even though it’s still warm outside, it’s time to save money this fall with some easy, practical frugal hacks. In this video, we walk you through our family’s shopping and prepping routine for the upcoming colder months.

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We’re Hope and Larry and we love practical frugality. We raised our four sons, debt-free, including paying cash for our home when our income was well under the national average. For tips on saving money, budgeting, paying off debt, and setting goals (while living with a spirit of joy and abundance), subscribe to us here on YouTube and visit us at our website and on social media.

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36 thoughts on “Save Money This Fall with These Easy Frugal Hacks”

  1. We aim for Nov 1 before turning on the heat. We’re in Pennsylvania and sometimes we don’t make it. But we go as long as possible. We have a small ceramic heater that we us when in the bathroom and it is still a savings if we don’t have to turn on the furnace.

  2. Our goal date for puting the heat on is end of octobre and then we still try to keep the thermostate as low as possible…about 19 degrees celsius (when we are at home and also the bedrooms are not heated only the main floor)..we already know that at the end of the year the gas and electricity costs will probably go up again here in Holland. So we're going to be frugal about that. So we'll pull out all our warm sweaters and blankets again 😊 and that's okay

  3. At our local Tractor Supply, the company sells "SAFE" chemicals that can be applied in and around areas that have little creatures you gone BUT exterminated. There are a variety that can be used around children and pets which are very safe. We had an armadillo family move under our out buildings. I just sprinkled the safe material in and around the area they were homesteading and within a few days they moved out of our land and went somewhere. I am a big believer that country life is big enough for me and God creatures — just not in my yard. LOL

  4. Turning the furnace on in central Wisconsin is like playing Russian Roulette when picking a date. One day at the end of August it can be 20 degrees and the next week it will be in the 90’s. We aim for mid October.

  5. I don't buy the sales. These things you mentioned aren't necessary. My husband and I live in a 30+ yr old modular home which has not been taken care of so it's 80+ degrees inside during this heat. Windows can't be opened and when it goes into November and if it gets cold enough I can only imagine how cold it may get inside. Have only been in this thing since April. Not applicable.

  6. My FSA doesn't roll over to the next year. I have it through my job, it does have a maximum amount thatI was able to put into. HSA is only on the higher insurance premium and will not cover anything til meet deductible.

  7. I bought waist high ski pants anticipating winter..wear my uggs inside….getting dark early..trying to do chores early in the day..cook 1x a week..

  8. I try for October 15 before I turn on the furnace or start using the wood stove, but I live in Vermont and there are years when I've caved in mid-September because it's snowing – though also years when it's 80 in October.

  9. My mother and I are always cold so our furnace goes on when we're cold. LOL we're in Michigan so usually turn the heat on sometime early to mid October. Also how funny that you're mentioning holes around your house and groundhogs because for the first time, I have a hole just outside my Landscaping border and I need to get a Pest Removal company come in. The first one I called was very expensive though. I also have a skunk hanging around and needs to be trapped, so it would be about $400 I believe plus the removal fee. Yikes, but I truly love my critters, and I agree with Larry that groundhogs are super cute 😂😂 from what The Pest Removal people have told me is that you need to take them at least 25 miles away from your home. That may be overdoing it but it's very unlikely that they would find their way back to your house at that distance.

  10. You said y’all use every dollar to budget? I get paid every other Friday, so it doesn’t exactly “fit” into a monthly budget. I like to budget by each paycheck-is there any way to make this doable with the free version? I currently budget with pencil & paper-thanks for any insight! Love your videos! 😊😊

  11. Groundhog….maybe it's a sign that it's time for Larry to get his dog. 🙂 On another note, snow tires…. My snow tires are on rims, my husband's aren't. It costs us $30 for our mechanic to switch over my tires from summer to winter and takes no time at all. My husband's cost around $90 for the switch, takes longer and all the wear and tear of pulling them on and off the rims has caused a little damage and he constantly has a slow leak in his one tire now. Buying winter tires on the rim may cost a little more up front but worth it and saves in the long run, not just the switchover cost but also constantly having to drag out a compressor and also taking the chance of being stranded with a flat. Our car insurance also gives us a discount for having snow tires for the vehicles.

  12. We have a ground hog living under a storage barn below our property. We've had other varmints, ie. foxes, etc that have moved in from time to time. I think the best option is a live trap that we can borrow from local county conservation. Thanks for the reminder! We'll check with animal control rules to find out how and if we can relocate it. We see the ground hog about once a month.

  13. Groundhogs are so rude! They hissed at my father as he mowed the lawn, and were extremely territorial when my friends and I rode the go-kart. My family also fought many rehoming battles, put chewed up bubblegum in their holes in an attempt to poison them away, tried smoking them out (which I would not advise to you as they are next to your home), but as I remember. . . they had to be eliminated. I was a teenager and my first ever boyfriend was over for dinner when a groundhog decided to show up. Dad excused himself from the table only to shoot the critter and finally, the groundhog saga ended. I was dumped eventually LOL but no matter, I am happily married to the best man ever and my parents are groundhog free. Hooray! 😂🎉 Please share with us how you have won your groundhog war in a new video, that would be entertaining for sure.


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