Save Doom Raid Mail – Last Minute Event – Offer Review – MARVEL Strike Force – MSF

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33 thoughts on “Save Doom Raid Mail – Last Minute Event – Offer Review – MARVEL Strike Force – MSF”

  1. We are never in the clear! Hoard everything always. This is their "4d chess" they make events to use our mail rewards and we try desperately to not accidentally push the claim all button. Everything else to them is secondary.

  2. hoarding everything is something you can get accustomed to, even though it's ridiculous… what really pisses me off is the known issue where all your inbox gets collected automatically… guess, when that shit happened to me… really annoying

  3. Thankfully I save every raid season rewards now, missed it once and you mentioned best to hold onto it, so now I never collect anything until it’s about to expire. Thanks for the heads up!!

  4. I don't understand why the news of this event not being in the blog post and only being revealed a couple days before the event starts is a surprise to anyone. We all know for the past few months the game has become Marvel hoard Force. Save everything and do not collect it until you absolutely have to, duhhhh. Get wrecked commanders!!!

  5. I have been hoarding as much as possible. Yesterday I collected the daily 5 Mr Negative shards, but instead the game decided to use the Claim All option to "help me". Shocked bystanders could not understand why a grown man was cursing at an app on his phone.

  6. I am hoarding everything only collect when they are about to time out or the event begins. That iron man looks like he’s at DragonCon which is in Atlanta every labor day weekend and that’s how we say washing.

  7. i hoard everything since the first time even the last currency (cores) got involved. most of the time i collect my mail around 10 hours before its expiring (i i dont i foret it).

  8. Do you guys know something about an upcoming event containing a 6rs Dormmamu? When is it? Is it achievable? If I have a 4rs, would I jump straight to 6rs?
    If this is the case, then i do not want to waste Dark Credits to take him to 5rs.

  9. i appreciate that they are giving us different types of events and are trying to attach different goals, the hoarding is annoying though, and the collect all button is even more annoying.

  10. I'm glad I've been saving my inbox raid rewards. Plus I didn't claim any of the raid reward milestones. Something told me the event was going to happen when the raid reward milestones refreshed.


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