Saturday 6:30 PM: The Rapture: What & When – 1 Thessalonians 4 – Skip Heitzig

Thank you for watching Calvary Church with Skip Heitzig! Calvary Church is a fellowship of believers who pursue the God who is …


30 thoughts on “Saturday 6:30 PM: The Rapture: What & When – 1 Thessalonians 4 – Skip Heitzig”

  1. I enjoyed the sermon, the message was strong. Thanks Pastor for clearing the message, may the Lord continue to bless you. I’ve been very very lonely, but not anymore. So very glad to see and hear Tamra back.

  2. If. When we die we go to heaven or hell, why is there a need for the rapture of the dead or the last judgement, if we die and go to are destinations and the after life is spiritual is the body still physical?

  3. My mother and father in law just moved to Albuquerque. Please pray guys I’m not sure if they are saved. I think they might be but don’t realize the importance of upkeep on their Christianity, either way I would like them to feel a burden to at least go to your church. I have been listening to you guys at work on YouTube

    (Amos 9:9) For, lo, I will command, and I will SIFT the house of ISRAEL among all nations, like as corn is SIFTED in a sieve, yet shall NOT the least grain fall upon the earth

    (Ezekiel 28:25) Thus saith the Lord God; When I shall have "GATHERED" the house of ISRAEL from the people among whom they are scattered, and shall be sanctified in THEM in the SIGHT of the HEATHEN then shall they dwell in THEIR LAND that I have given to my servant Jacob

    (Isaiah 11:11-14) And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand AGAIN THE "SECOND" TIME to recover the remnant of HIS PEOPLE and shall assemble the outcasts of ISRAEL, and GATHER together the dispersed of JUDAH from the four corners of the EARTH

    (Isaiah 45:4) For Jacob my servant's sake, and ISRAEL MINE "ELECT" I have even called thee by thy name

    (Matthew 24:31) And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall GATHER together HIS "ELECT" from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other

    (Revelation 11:12) And THEY heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And THEY ASCENDED up to heaven in a cloud; and THEIR ENEMIES beheld them

  5. THE WORLD??
    (John 17:9) I pray for THEM: I pray NOT for the "WORLD" , but for THEM which thou hast given me for they are thine
    (God's word doesn't contradict itself)

    (Romans 9:13) Jacob have I loved but
    E. S. A. U. have I hated
    (☝️1 gentile ethnicity eliminated so all are)

    (Acts 2:21-22) And it shall come to pass, that WHOSOEVER shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved YE MEN OF ISRAEL, hear these word
    (☝️the whosoever are those of Israel)

    (**Isaiah 45:17**) But ISRAEL shall be saved in the Lord with an EVERLASTING SALVATION: ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded "WORLD" without end
    (☝️the world spoken of in 316 is Israel)

  6. Keep spreading the Gospel Skip, but remember what Jesus taught! Regardless of how people interpret scripture. Every passage must match what Jesus taught. In Lu17:28-30 Jesus gives us an example of his return. The SAME DAY Lot (Represents believers) went out of the city (Rapture) God destroyed THEM ALL (Unbelievers destroyed) THE SAME DAY. This is what will happen when the Lord returns. NO one left behind and NO pre-trib rapture. To God be the Glory

  7. Thanks Pastor Skip for this sermon and hope in these bleak godless times. And it's a true living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Unbelievers always say there's no proof of God. But that's because it requires spiritual discernment which the "natural man" does not have. A natural person cannot believe anymore than a physically blind person can see a sunrise. God provided 100% proof of Himself when He took on human flesh and walked on the earth 2000 years ago in the Person of Christ. And the eyewitness testimony is recorded in the New Testament. But even then many did not believe. For them no amount of physical evidence is sufficient – we are a delusional cult who believe in a book of fairy tales and Jesus is a myth. Apart from a prevenient work of grace of God within a receptive heart many will perish – even those who witness the stars falling from the sky. How sad that so many souls made in His image will be lost believing instead satan's deception that they arose from worms crawling out of a primordial mud puddle. A worldly minded scientist following behind Jesus during His ministry would have been in a perpetual state of confusion trying to figure out how He could turn water into wine, heal a man born blind from birth, walk on water, wither a fig tree, raise the dead, etc, etc, etc. But perhaps at some point Jesus may have turned and spoke to him and made him realize that God Himself was standing before him and that being the Creator, He infinitely transcends human logic, human reason, human rationality, and all natural scientific laws. Then maybe, just as Paul only saw the Truth after he was first made blind, the scientist would discover Truth also. God bless.

  8. Greetings from New Zealand, I love following Pastor Skips teaching, thank you for the blessing of being able to tune in from afar. God Bless you and your team ❤

  9. Beloved of Christ, any "Pre-Tribulation" Rapture is contradicted by the Bible, and therefore can't possibly be true:
    1) "The living…. will never precede the fallen asleep [dead] (1Th 4:15), particularly those whom Jesus will resurrect within "The Last Day" (Jn 6:39-40,44,54).
    2) The dead in Christ must be resurrected first (1Th 4:16). Thus, any "Pre-Tribulation" resurrection would need to occur before "The First Resurrection" (Rev 20:4-5), which specifically includes some beheaded by the Beast.
    3) Correct: "The day of the Lord" is the day of the resurrection and rapture. However, the sun and moon must be darkened first (Act 2:20, Joel 2:31), which darkening occurs after "The Great Tribulation" has been cut short for the sake of the Elect (Mt 24:22-29).
    4) Correct: The one and only "Resurrection of the Righteous" (Lk14:14) and their subsequent rapture will occur at "The Last Trumpet" (1Cor 15:51-52), which can't possibly occur before the last-ever God-mandated, annual "Feast of Trumpets" (Num 29:1), nor before the last of the "Seven Trumpets" (Rev 8:6), nor before the "Great Trumpet" (Mt 24:31), which Jesus will use to gather His Elect from out of the extremities of heaven and earth, within "The Last Day" (Jn 6:39-40,44,54).

    By ignoring all 15+ Biblical contradictions of any "Pre-Tribulation" Rapture, Skip is exhibiting his Biblical ignorance as well as, eschatological bias against the truth within the Bible and thereby, misleading Biblically ignorant listeners.

  10. I don't know if the end is near. But one thing I do know is that Matthew 24 and Revelation were mostly fulfilled by 70AD. Matthew 24 was addressed to those listening to Jesus in person and Revelation was addressed to the first century churches of Asia Minor.


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