Satellites being used to detect critical minerals for net-zero transition

A new technology is being used to more effectively detect critical minerals needed for a net-zero transition in the subsurface of the earth.

Fleet Space Technologies CEO Flavia Nardini says the company uses satellites to gather data and find minerals sometimes kilometres under the earth’s surface.


13 thoughts on “Satellites being used to detect critical minerals for net-zero transition”

  1. Apparently we don't have any of those minerals in Australia *ONLY COAL FOR ENERGY*

    It's about time Labor called out the outright IGNORANCE of the right wing LNP PHON UAP

  2. Itll take around 200 years to mine the required amount of just the copper the climate cult needs. What have you done to reduce that? Or you think the WEF is going to get their way and you expect the plebs to go without cars while epstiens clients fly around in private jets etc etc?

  3. Using hundreds of tons of coal to make the rocket and satellites 900:000 pounds of fuel to get up there. To look for ore that heavy machinery using thousands of litres of fuel a day in consumption used. To then use more coal and petrol chemicals to create all the solar panels and batteries and wind farms. ( Green power ).

  4. No such thing as green energy, it's all lie's and propaganda!…people really need to do their research on all this "green energy", take's a h3ll of a lot more fuel's, and oil's to create the fake "green energy"!😒…people are way too gullible, they believe all the lie's without checking into the process's!…

  5. Why don't we use this technology to predict flashfloods and earthquakes if it "listens to the earth"? If animals and pets can sense when a flood or earthquake is coming, the only explanation can be that they felt it in the earth because animals and pets don't wear shoes. Why don't they set one up the next time Sydney or Melbourne are hit with rain bombs in an area that isn't affected yet? If something pings an hour before a rain bomb and flash flood, you have an hour's warning for the public to get the hell out of Dodge. "As above, so below" has always been open to interpretation. What if this instrument's interpretation of the earth's warnings could save hundreds of lives?


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