Sarah's Suitcase

This is what a manipulative narcissist looks like.

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Also, excuse the audio quality on this one (allergy season) 🤧


43 thoughts on “Sarah's Suitcase”

  1. She's literally told 100 stories that are irrelevant and yet she's always the victim narcissistic people will never be at fault they will forever think they are right and can never admit they are wrong.. Those two officer's/detectives they are amazing they pretty much got get to talk.. This is one of the saddest stories I've seen in a good while..

  2. idk its hard to believe it was an intentional thing , she did seem really intoxicated in the video that being said it would make sense for her to lose her whole consciousness and not really be aware if he was unable to breathe for real idk shes was probably not thinking , alcohol takes away a lot from one person and she probably passed out accidentally from being overly drunk and just forgot

  3. Why doesn't she just accept it and not keep on raising her voice at the detectives and making it seem like they are pressuring her or as they are blaming her for sth she "hasn't" done? Horrible!

  4. This was one of the most disturbing and disgusting videos Ive ever seen in my life she had no remorse she was so cold in her actions and she played victim the entire time she was veing interrogated the way she kept saying it wasn't my intentions was pissing me off the video spoke for itself she laughed at him while he pleaded with her for his life and she told him he should probably shit the fuck up turned around went upstairs and went to sleep knowing he was dien I hope the nornibg she opened the suitcase and saw his lifeless body and the look on his face that it haunts her for the rest of her life while she rotts in prison I don't give a shit if this man was ever abusive to her or not it does not excuse the torture she brought to him by locking him in a suitcase and having him beg for his life as he slowly died from suffercation may she get what she deserves and may she suffer and feel like she can't breath every day that she sits in prison but no sentence can ever make up for what she did and the pain she had brought to his family and to him in his last moments before he died

  5. Good thing she recorded taunting Jorge in the suitcase. Evidently she was unaware that deleting the video doesn't get rid of it. Brilliant! She gave the police all of the evidence they needed. She has had 6 attorneys so far. She still thinks she did not commit a crime and is going home. She's angry because she has spent 3 of her birthdays in jail. Jorge will never celebrate another birthday. She killed a man in a horrific manner.

  6. She zipped him up in the suitcase and pushed him down the stairs then she tried lying saying she was playing hide and seek she lured him into the suitcase and killed that man she’s evil and deserve death for torturing him

  7. I will bet that she has harmed several people (including her son) in the past. Narcissists are some of the most dangerous people in society. As if the whole case isn't sickening enough- she wants his ring back…that says it all.

  8. Wasn’t it said that they found him in the suitcase when they (officers & fire) arrived? If she supposedly gave him CPR he wouldn’t still be in the suitcase. She tells the 911 operator that she got him out & was doing CPR. Obviously that wasn’t true. U can’t effectively do CPR while he’s in a suitcase on his side curled up.

  9. This lady is a teenager attempting to bargain with her parents that she didn't mean to do the thing and she's sooooo damaged by the results and will surely be more careful in the future and will NEVER do it again and is SO SORRY for how it happened…like she literally got away with this juvenile pattern of behaviors for so long to the point where she literally thought she could tell investigators she didn't intend for someone to die when she left them zipped up in a suitcase for extended periods of time and expect that excuse to hold up in the real world. Absolute nut.

  10. I really don't think she knew that a soft- sided suitcase would be airtight. I wouldn't think it would be. I don't think she knew it would kill him. I think she just wanted to torture him, and I DO think she meant him to be in it all night.

  11. The way he says he can’t breathe is making me want to cry. They had video proof of this and she still tried to deny it and dodge the question to talk about something in her past. I will never understand how someone can end someone else’s precious life for no reason.

  12. To think just by saying you'll never be the same again and will promise to never drink again would be punishment enough. She really thought she could talk her way out of it even after they showed her the video which basically shows her "Intentionally" leaving him to die a horrible death just amazes me. The prosecution will be asking people to form an orderly queue as there will be so many wanting to testify against her, including Brian. I'll be shocked if the defence can find even one person.

  13. The way she said she loved and cared about him. Wanted to take care of him that's why kept being with him then at the end of the video she was like "uhm the ring I bought it for him so can I get it back" like what??? If you're going to lie about loving the person you just killed then atleast don't mention about getting back the ring 🙄 she cared more about a ring than him


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