SAPC KL – Sunday Service 27-November-2022

Welcome to St. Andrew’s Kuala Lumpur Livestream Service.
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This week service order :

Welcome and announcement


Opening prayer
Lighting of the first advent candle: Derrick & Yekho Moh

Opening Hymn “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus” RB172
Prayer of Confession

Our God and Father, we praise you for the great gift of your Son. Bound by nature in our sins and fearful in their darkness, he was given us to set us free.

Lord Jesus, we praise you for destroying by your death Satan’s stranglehold over us. Now exalted high, how glad we are that your reign is spreading over our hearts and over the earth.

Holy Spirit, we praise you for bringing us to life, for enabling our faith and repentance, and for guiding us in the holy use of our freedom.

We confess, though, that we have not lived as freely from sin as we could have and should have. There are sins we still cherish, folly we engage, darkness we experience, and fears we treat as virtues.

Come to us this advent, we plead. Release us from remaining sin and fear. So brighten our lives that the world may see confirmed in them the liberating power of Christ. In his name and for your triune glory we pray. Amen.

Assurance of pardon
Song of Praise “My faith Looks Up to Thee” RB 393
Passing of peace


Let the Children Come Rev. Tim Trumper
Scripture reading Luke 1:5-25 (NIV) Anthony Goh
Message Do Not Fear! Rev. Tim Trumper
1. Zechariah: An Encouragement for the Hurting (Luke 1:12-13)

Song of response & offering of Gift “There is None Like You”

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Prayer of Consecration & Doxology

Prayers of the People and Lord’s Prayer Rev. Marvin Wong Benediction Rev. Tim Trumper
Postlude “While Shepherds Watched Their Flock” RB 189
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