SANDY N' FRIENDS Doom Stream! Demon Boxes, Bad Joke Wads, A Giant Face and More with Guests!

We got to 400 subs! Thanks everybody and hope you enjoyed this Friday’s variety show stream with guests @Snax Alotl, @Wilster Wonkels, @Dub-Bag, LadyMistDragon, @NiGHTS108, @Clippy Clippington, @Doomkid, and @Biodegradable! We played lots of cool stuff, but catch you monday for more!

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00:00 Intro
07:00 Box of a Thousand Demons by Thelokk – Map 8, 23 & 25
55:34 Knees Deep in Snax Map 7-9
1:26:12 Surfing the Doomworld, C**cumcision.wad thread
1:32:26 C**cumcision.wad Maps 1-9
2:19:10 Test Map by Furry Sigma Wolf
2:39:10 Scorched Simple by Codename_Delta
2:48:49 Pump Station by VisionThing
2:57:30 Hot Doom Thread: Cacowards Overrated? by Lady Mist Dragon
3:13:14 Lonealpha waits in line at the BMV by LoneAlpha2401
3:28:27 Text file – Shovelware Adventure! by Doomkid
3:37:24 Shovelware Adventure! by Doomkid
4:57:32 Thread – Old version of Outpost by Wonkels
5:01:44 Old Version of Outpost by Wonkels
5:29:23 Realistic Face in Doom by ChestedArmor
5:41:42 Rupture E4M4: Stuck in the Past by Nicolas Monti


5 thoughts on “SANDY N' FRIENDS Doom Stream! Demon Boxes, Bad Joke Wads, A Giant Face and More with Guests!”

  1. I fell asleep last night sorry guys. Unfortunately usually around the time you guys start is when I usually go to bed because of my early work schedule. It's still a fun podcast to watch later and I have a lot of enjoyment here good times everybody 🍗


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