Sands of Aura Endgame Farm [Boring but efficient]

I would prefer if this bellshrine would get relocated to the front of the observatory. That way I could farm a trio of samurai. With the shrine where it is right now, it is possible that a player could accidentally rest at the shrine after having defeated the giant at all previous locations without resting, at which point they would have to do all that again.

Occasionally the samurai will send himself off to space and you can just ignore his existance and run back to the bell. When he lands you will get his glint and drops if any were to be had. Him going off to space is more efficient because you can get back to the bell sooner.

Though the video is almost a minute long and I got 3 kills I think the average time per kill might be longer than 20 seconds due to some occasional trolling by this enemy when he jumps onto rooftops. I may or may not have the 10% speed talisman on for this video. I do not have the glint talisman on because I am not farming for glint. I am farming for 2 items drops in specific yellow chunks and red ingots. This recording went on for 15 minutes and I did find an ingot and a few chunks.

Looking at the time per cycle I probably should have used the weapon part that increases movement speed by 20% for 16 seconds after defeating an enemy.

I decided to experiment by switching from onehanded slashing to two handed slashing. This video should have a level 18 weapon.

The reason for the switch was due to the limits of stacking runes. The effect multiplier has a limit. I think that critical damage is more situational so I instead went for haste primarily and armor penetration with what remained.

With the increased haste I thought that a heavier weapon would become more to my liking. A heavy weapon typically is very slow and ends up trading blows rather than potentially being quick enough to punish an enemy’s downtime. Even though I have this weapon with 43% haste I just ended up deciding to face tank everything because getting hit also increases my damage.


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