Sanctuary Town Fallout 4 PS4 PRO

Hello Reddit u/addicted-to-jet here with my second large settlement. On 12/18/2021 I decided to make a unique player home in Sanctuary. The player home felt strange on its own so I ended up building a trashy, junky town to accompany it. I wanted to have a few essential shops and housing mostly. The main shops are a Bar, a noodle shop, a Power Armor Repair Shop, a Chem dealer, a diner and a general goods shop. Everything else is housing and some slums. I have a small garden for those who are short on caps can grow something to eat. Not much more to say about the place, mostly self explanatory. Hope you guys enjoy the tour it’s a bit of a long one. I play on PS4 PRO and I use MODs…

MODs I Used
Busy Settlers Rugs
Custom Crafting Stations
Akira’s Clutter
Workshop Anywhere

If you wanna see more visit my Reddit account u/addicted-to-jet Thanks for viewing and thanks to all my Subscribers! Also don’t forget to subscribe if you wanna see more. I think I have a lot more builds left in me.


20 thoughts on “Sanctuary Town Fallout 4 PS4 PRO”

  1. Sanctuary junk yard.
    Looks like the commonwealth has turned Sanctuary into a junk yard, dumping all the crap haphazardly and some settlers have made the most of it.
    It's absolute chaos and after being escorted through your town over two days (in game time)
    I feel I need to get a tetanus jab. 😂
    Some insanely good tiny little technical details in this that a viewer could easily miss. Definitely worth them taking the tour with their full attention.
    Addicted to jet! I can see that here 🤣
    Gonna save this and watch again later on my PC (at present I'm on my mobile)
    Great work 👍

  2. I absolutely love this! Nothing short of inspiring my friend! It's rly rly nice to see ppl as passionate about building these dense, diverse cities as I am. It's like my favorite thing to do haha.
    I also rly rly appreciate how long you took to showcase everything. 50 mins seems like a lot, but when you consider how much there is to see, its right on par with the efforts you've incorporated into building it all. Sometimes I'll intentionally overincomber myself to get the snails-pace view of everything as to force myself into seeing more haha.
    What were some of your biggest players, in terms of mods used, in building this gorgeous cityscape?

  3. Всем привет. Тупая игра, нельзя строить как тебе хочется обязательно что нибудь застрянет, не встанет красиво. Все убого, криво получается. Можно если долго мучиться конечно что либо в порядок более менее привести. Не поселения а полная задница, а вот у рейдеров нормальные такие укреплённые районы. Чего нельзя и пользователю было подобные подогнать? Особенно враги надоели появляются каждый раз в указанной точке. У меня поселение к примеру огарожено турели стоят, а врагам насрать прям в центре появляются, как зашли? Вот такая лажа. Горы мусора в поселениях раздражают например скилет которого нельзя убрать. Короче это симулятор бомжа.

  4. This is the most Insane, mind-blowing settlement I've ever seen!
    This is so Gorgeous, AMAZING!
    Idk how U done this, but fck me!
    This build is NUTS!!!!!!

  5. I love me a good puddle. They always make things feel so grounded (heh).
    Great use of verticality, too. The main entrance looks so grand with those towers looming in the distance.
    Bravo mate.


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