SAMP/T Air Defense System For Ukraine – Why is it better than Patriot Missile?

In contemporary air defense, a comprehensive approach is required for protecting against aerial threats. This includes not only fighter aircrafts, but also a range of air defense missiles that cover different ranges. For example, systems like the Patriot, as well as the Aster 30 SAMP/T, are all considered essential components of a modern air defense system. These ground-based medium-range systems are particularly effective against high-speed threats like tactical ballistic missiles.
The ASTER 30 SAMP/T system is a powerful and advanced air defense weapon for theater protection in the 21st century. It is designed to protect sensitive sites and deployed forces against missile threats such as tactical ballistic missiles, stand-off missiles, cruise missiles, and advanced radar-guided missiles, as well as aircraft. This system is intended to replace all existing medium range ground-to-air defense systems. Although less famous than the Patriot, this French-made system is one of the best air umbrellas in the world. Even in some ways surpassing its opponents.
In this video, we will unveil several reasons that make the SAMP/T system with the newest aster 30 missile better than Patriot. Stay tuned!

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44 thoughts on “SAMP/T Air Defense System For Ukraine – Why is it better than Patriot Missile?”

  1. The crew size comparison is a little misleading though. Patriot only requires 3 people to actually operate. The rest is basically logistical support to setup etc. And the patriot can guide something like 18 missiles at once. However only 3 in terminal phaae.

  2. 90 people???? Bro where did you get that? Can’t stand military channels with fasle info. Also it depends on what missles the patriot has. It can engage more then 8 bud.

  3. The old S-300 systems Ukraine is using has better specifications than the Patriot. Unfortunately for them they are running out and the Russians are unlikely to sell them any.

  4. Why are 90 percent of news channels and youtube page constantly saying how russia dont have any weopons but also see Ukraine begging for multiple things every day. Advise in life go for peace talks and be friendly to the superpower that's at your door step and not far away. Also why you need people with brains at leadership not the ones that are easily manipulated or ready to sell out for money

  5. Sampt is capable to hit iskander missiles at 65 000 ft altitude and 180 miles range at mach 4, 5 speed with aesa radar and ultraviolet sensor can hit hipersonic missile. Has ultra agile rockets boosters …

  6. And sky sabre defense system is good use against supersonic cruise missiles also a good fit for ukraine combined with patriot missile system against fighter jets and bombers and m shorad against drones and you have good defense for kiev but its not enought for all ukraine not for all areas nation wide ….

  7. It's a great system but the information on the number of missiles that can be fired out of date. The Patriot can only track two missiles at a time into one target. That is important against hypersonic missiles. Patriots is a longer range against ballistic missiles, but I love the Astor 30 ability to maneuver under power.


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