Salty Playstation Devs MOCK Elden Ring After It Steals The Spotlight From Horizon Forbidden West

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49 thoughts on “Salty Playstation Devs MOCK Elden Ring After It Steals The Spotlight From Horizon Forbidden West”

  1. I feel bad for Guerrilla Games at this moment. They worked so hard to bring Horizon's sequel and then Isidur's Bane came and binded every player (except me, of course) within its grasp.

  2. I spent 4 hrs yesterday just helping people beat this difficult boss. I think some of the mini bosses are ment to have people help you. So just stood at the entrance offering help. Lol steam had a high record of nearly million people at one time playing yesterday. People are fine with it.

  3. These videos are excellent quality girl. You need a couple million subs for real. You are absolutely excellent at being well spoken and your speech is well thought out. So glad I ran across that wild red hair in my feed and clicked 😀

  4. Game of the Year Elden Ring knocks it out the park it's not perfect and there could be some tweaks and what not but hey it's better than most games I've preorder and played last year and this.

  5. I can definitely see Sony fanboys do that and sadly I seen to many to last a lifetime but the Playstation developers doing that is like a much higher tier level pathetic they sound like crybabies having a tantrum that their game is not as successful the crazy part it a 3rd party game no one lose everyone benefits in someway the only people that suffer are fanboys it crazy the level of salt that have appeared but if you want to avoid that then do what movie does they pick a date that not near as much competition or no competition other than that build thicker skin not every game going to be a smashing hit not every game will reach high score 88 or is it now 87 is still highest score you got right so be happy about that 😱😅 Sorry for the bad writing is born disables 😅

  6. Gameplay always has been and always will be king over megraphics, these reactions are truly to pathetic for words; thought they arent that surprising. Since sadly a a huge part of young devs are activist devs than gamer devs. Hopefully its succes will be taken as an example by other studios let existing franchises simply be themselves. And also that the ols school gamer market is still here and still matters, instead of souly focussing on casuals and wokies.

  7. The dude wasn't wrong, the launch experience was bad on high end PCs and even stutters on PS5. It doesn't kill my enjoyment (PS5), I've been playing non stop since launch but at the time of review shouldn't have earned a perfect score. They acknowledged it but still rated it perfectly.

  8. Playstation "devs". It's two Playstation devs and the other is Ubisoft and Battlefield 2042 dev. Playstation devs never said "how mediocre it is or how it doesn't deserve high score". They only talked about quest design. You should stick to everything but gaming news.

  9. They could have just made a better game then elden ring or in general then maybe they would get more attention. I doubt fromsoft would do the same thing if it was the otherway around.

  10. My only complaint about Elden Ring so far is the starting sorceries basically being a waste of runes. Higher FP use and the damage is roughly the same as glintstone pebble.
    Apparently the slicer is OK, but I'm not a fan of the cast delay on a melee attack.

  11. I have 80 hours in Elden Ring and only have done 1 main boss fight so far because I been exploring the world/caves and fighting mini bosses/wildlife and I’m loving every minute of it. 💪🏽
    Also I don’t have any interest in playing the new Horizon Zero Dawn game because never played the first one as well just not interested in those games. 🤷🏽‍♂️

  12. I play on ps4 and I didnt even notice any technical issues in my 110 hours played and got it since release, only thing ever was that giant bear moving in 2 fps but everything else had normal fps

  13. From Software was prepared for the tech fixes. They were ready to fix the things players encountered which broke the game, and for me, that makes this experience fantastic. Despite the early bugs, technical and visual hinderences, Elden Ring is a masterpiece… but some of the bosses are absolute bullshit. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  14. All joking aside and being serious, the better a game does the better opportunities for companies get presented and I’m sure they have some sort of bonus tied to the amount of copies sold. He is possibly being salty about the smaller bonus he is going to get.

  15. Just proving how out of touch they are with what people think is fun. Just because their clique doesn’t like how from software gives their community what it wants, every single damned time they release a game, and ignore what the cool people want or demand should be in games. Horizon has awesome boss fights and they could have went all in on putting those at the forefront but they didn’t. The sheer fucking joy others and myself are experiencing with these games is just awesome.

  16. Who gives a damn what critics have to say about a game? Simply enjoy them! I'm currently playing Horizon and am thoroughly enjoying myself. I'm about to move to Elden Ring and I'm sure I'll enjoy it just as much as the other From Software games I've played. I lack the time and energy to consider which game is objectively superior to another, as all of our comments are subjective anyway.

  17. Everyone associated with PlayStation from devs to fans think they are entitled to something. People like different things. You are entitled to nothing! Trying to create this elitist quality to their ecosystem has done nothing but foster a cultist mentality. You would think that devs would be the first to appreciate the craft of their peers, but nope! This is disgraceful!

  18. It’s hilarious ppl say there’s no quest design when it may be the most immersive game design in gaming history. Just because the game doesn’t hold your hand doesn’t mean it isn’t well designed. Tbh it starts getting kinda boring when you know the exact location to go at all times. Thank god Fromsoft makes these wonderful games.

  19. Those PlayStation developers can't handle the fact that Elden ring is absolutely freaking awesome! And that horizon forbidden West is a mediocre typical PlayStation story based video game with great graphics and I'm sure the story is fine but it just can't compete with the beast that is Elden ring. 🇺🇸

  20. Horizon once again got overshadowed by another IP. 1st one got curbed by Zelda and now the sequel by Elden Ring. I expected better from a Guerilla games developer.

  21. I didnt play Elden Ring much. But it honestly just felt like if Ubisoft made a souls game. The combat felt just as slow as the previous souls games… but then again I'm one who's super deep into Horizon as well. So I'll go back to it after, but yeah… it just feels like a more bloated Souls. Great for those types of games for sure


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