Salon Day | Farm Updates | Gus Arrives

It’s Monday Salon Day at the farm. Abra the Malinois X Dutch Shepherd is up for her first experience in the salon. Everyone loves Maxine and Abra is about to learn too that it’s a lovely day of pampering by the lovely Maxine.

Gus the Weimaraner arrives for his farm holiday. We’ve missed you Gus. The pack are in the garage having their breakfast, peeking their noses under the door … who is this new guy?? On closer inspection they’re glad to discover it’s their good old pal Gus.

Now as we’ve mentioned earlier on, Cruiser is likely to look a bit uncertain with anything new. And with Gus’ arrival he did retreat a bit with confidence. I can assure you, as we are a day ahead of my posts, today in real life, Cruiser has taken the pack’s lead and accepted Gus. He’s much more at ease today.

Cruiser has a sore paw pad in this video. A normal thing for dogs who come to the farm and experience the exercise and surfaces for the first time. This is just to let everyone know he’s fine and this is to be expected. We used to see it in every new day care dog.

There has been quite a bit of conversation around the farm of late. Chance leaving, Abra arriving, Cruiser arriving etc. It has lead to a lot of comments and then also emails and messages sent to us. We have taken this opportunity to talk about some of the things in an effort to help with expectations and understanding.

In the pool, Maggie shows a keen interest in swimming with Luke. She gets really excited when we sign to her. She loves to know you’re especially talking to her.

Gus finishes off our leftovers from lunch and then jumps along the side of the pool in an effort to be as close as possible but not actually go in for a swim.

In the afternoon, a storm heads our way. We hang out outside as it passes. Kitty paces at the door to come out and join us. It’s another opportunity for Abra to practice her Kitty training.

Then in the evening we all settle in. Find our spot on the couch and dream of more farm adventures tomorrow.


36 thoughts on “Salon Day | Farm Updates | Gus Arrives”

  1. Surprised had comments re nevaeh and chances mum she only had chance a few weeks so will take awhile for them to get to know him and him them …give them a break x plus know you were going to keep in touch x Lovely to see Gus back ❤and Abra was good having her bath x Lilly loving life and looking good so helping to keep young ones in line 😂Kitty rose has no fear x love end of day section ❤

  2. I remember when the "experts" said wolves were also solitary animals….. I've been to a couple of zoos, which I'm not the biggest fan of, the dingo exhibits were multiple dingos together…. It's sad how wild animals of all species all across the world can be and are treated….. I think this, you are living and breathing your life 24/7/365. The decisions you make are always what's best for you and your entire family, and that's all that matters. And no one should be telling two grown adults what to do. They aren't living your life. They see an hour long video of a 24 hour day. Just know I respect all you do, and the why you do it…. If I disagree with something, I keep it to myself until you wind up providing more info…. Because I always know there is a reason for it. I think adopting Cruiser is an amazing choice because you knew you could help him and give him a good life…. What more needs to be said….

  3. You are spot on with what is occurring with lil……her dominance will become stronger the more disabled she becomes….you guy are so awesome…..I'm learning so much….thanks heaps

  4. It’s sad that there’s such a lack of trust that you have to spend so much time and energy explaining things. I hope Chance’s mum doesn’t stop videoing the updates because she can’t deal with the comments. I feel concerned now and then but I realise it’s my own anxiety taking over when it doesn’t have the full picture and I remind it that Luke and Sam, and Chance’s new mum, know way more than I do and will ALWAYS do the best thing for their beloved animals. Bless you all ❤

  5. I just don't get people who feel the need to tell people on the internet how they're doing everything wrong, and they really have no clue WTFudge they're talking about 🤪 I know it's quite easy to say ignore them, maybe they'll just get bored and go away, but…yeah…it's frustrating.

    Luke knows what he's doing with dogs, and that can translate to other canine breeds like dingoes. Poor Cruiser was taken from his dam as a pup and can not be returned to the wild. His best chance at a decent life is there on the farm, or if there was a sanctuary for other dingoes in similar situations. He seems to quite like the farm, and he's learning the language because he's smart and knows where his next meal is coming from, and he doesn't have to expend the energy to go hunt it himself. That's how dogs domesticated us all those thousands of years ago 😄

    Same as for Abra. She's not the type of dog who can live in a suburban home with the picket fence and 2.5 kids. She needs structure and proper and continuous training. Or she'll be on the evening news. Heck, even my wee 8 month old pug/border terrier/Aussie Cattle Dog cross is a bit much sometimes. She needs constant guidance. Training isn't just a couple of classes at Pet Smart, and we're done!

    Nah…Luke knows what he's doing. And Chance and Navaeh's mum knows what she's doing. We're not there, we see only what they choose to show us. The rest is none of our business.

  6. Abra seems to think she's the size of a pet galah. I laughed to see her put one paw on Luke's head, like she was afraid he'd get away. Maybe a length of sheepskin under Luke's shirt? Miss Violet sleeping on Rosco's backside. The perfect protection. Cutie Pie, Kitty Rose and Abra all hanging out together at the end. If that's not a good start for a war, I don't know what could be lol. Great video.

  7. Just love watching all these gorgeous pups playing and vying for Luke's attention. Maggie is enjoying the pool and doing so well. Really great to see Gussy boy again. Miss all the Daycare dogs.

  8. I’m just watching this for the second time. There is so much wonderful information in these longer videos that I don’t always catch everything the first time.
    And I also find it interesting that I can watch Luke and Sam talk about dogs for over 2 hours, but most movies of that length leave me bored!

  9. How do you tell Tank and Chopper apart? I'm legitimately asking because I have such a hard time….. And Abra has gotten stronger, you can tell by how she was swimming, her butt and back were higher up in the water so she was more level…. So proud of Maggie… Lol

  10. You guys really need to quit worrying about what people say in the comments or just turn them off (which I'd hate to see…). You folks are the professionals. 99.9% of the public are clueless. Just keep doing the wonderful work you do with the dogs.

  11. Wasn’t it Gus who used to get ear infections? Maybe his sore ears was stopping him from going in. So sad that he was attacked on his lead, he’s such a happy boy….and gorgeous too🥰

  12. Given where Chance lives now, there are no snake fences like at The Farm, Chances Mum obviously wants to have control should the need arise to get him away from danger, before he has learnt to listen to her 100%!! He couldn't be more loved and he will learn. Remember how long it took for Chance to learn things from Uncle Luke……it could take as much time for him to learn things from his new Mum. But we're all cheering him and Nevaeh (and wee Fred) on!!! 💛💛💛🐾👍

  13. On K'gari (formerly Fraser Island) QLD Dingoes are protected, as they are considered to be the only known true full blooded Dingoes left in Queensland. Domestic dogs are banned from the Island, to avoid interbreeding with the wild Dingo population, however we have seen far to many people smuggling their dogs onto the island, when caught the fine is as little as $125Aus! Feeding of the Dingoes is also banned to protect the public from attacks, but sadly silly people still can't help themselves!
    Sightings of Dingoes on K'gari beach are so magical, whenever we have seen them they are in family packs of two or more. It breaks my heart to think about a single Dingo in a Zoo, it's cruel, unnatural, unnecessary and does nothing other than to satisfy humans voyeurism. Animals deserve better than being in a cage. 
    I admire Luke and Sam so much for their dedication, Cruiser will have the best life in this wonderful pack situation.

  14. I completely agree with you about Cruiser. I don't know what you think, but just by having people following his journey, you're teaching us all more about our native apex predator. Your popularity will hopefully have the side effect of raising awareness of the plight of Dingoes in our country!!

  15. The star of this video for me is Maggie. I was at the end of my seat cheering her on when she fell off the dock. I could see she wanted to get back in the pool and sure enough she did. Yay!! Maggie. I was clapping and shouting…you go, Maggie! She is so beautiful.

  16. You can report these channels to YouTube as can channel members.

    I am sure if it is Freddie's colour or whether he loves mud but he always seems to have a tide line 🤣🤣

  17. People need to understand that bringing home a rescue dog either singly, or adding to a pack has to be carefully managed. Given Chance and Nevaeh's backgrounds, it was going to take some time! I thought he was doing really well for such a short time in his new home!

  18. In qld. There was a movie about a dingo stealing a baby on Frazer Island. Based on the true story of Lindy Chamberlain, who was jailed for killing her baby. Think that's why dingoes should be left alone and not trained or owned in this state.

  19. I have to be honest I never read the comments I just watch the video's. I think you're doing the best you can in a difficult situation and to adopt Cruiser show's just how dedicated you are!!!! My comment is 'yaaaaaaayyyy Maggie' what a bloody ripper. Getting in on her own and having a great swim around, absolutely brilliant. Much love x


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