Sailwing 2.0 – The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

An obsolete aircraft in a world of hoverbikes and railjets… But hey, it looks cool!

About two months ago, it was discovered that the Wing despawn timer can be “frozen” by providing enough lift to the Wing through other sources. Inspired by some builds I saw on the Hyrule Engineering subreddit over the past few weeks, I threw this together.

Blowing air upwards into four stacked sails provides enough lift that the Wing doesn’t have to generate its own lift, which freezes its despawn timer. The two fans glued to the sails provide forward thrust.

Usually, Wings only last 30 to 45 seconds once airborne. Using this exploit, I was able to fly this beauty for twelve whole minutes!

I used an older version of the Sailwing in my previous video, where I take on the last phase of the final boss in a dogfight.

Overall, the Sailwing is slower than hoverbikes and railjets. It also cannot be flown in volcanic heat and low-gravity airspace. However, as demonstrated in my previous video, it is extremely stable, and can withstand powerful impacts from projectiles and carry heavy loads like beam/cannon turrets.

And hey, it looks cool!

Some stats:
Cruising speed: About 11 meters per second
Altitude loss during nosedive: About 8 meters per second
Altitude gain during ascent: About 5 meters per second.


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