S.W.A.T. 5×21 | Street one step away from death | HD

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S.W.A.T. 5×21 ” Zodiac”
When a home invasion turns deadly, the team embarks on a race to track down priceless antique artifacts before any more lives are lost; Leroy enlists Hondo’s help after an overdose hits close to home.
S.W.A.T. is an American action drama television series, based on the 1975 television series of the same name created by Robert Hamner and developed by Rick Husky. Aaron Rahsaan Thomas and Shawn Ryan developed the new series, which premiered on CBS on November 2, 2017, and is produced by Original Film, CBS Studios and Sony Pictures Television.

On May 9, 2019, CBS renewed the series for a third season, which premiered on October 2, 2019. In May 2020, CBS renewed the series for a fourth season, which premiered on November 11, 2020. In April 2021, the series was renewed for a fifth season which premiered on October 1, 2021.

The show exists in a shared universe with the FX crime drama The Shield, which Ryan also created.

#Swat #CBStudios #ParamountPlus


22 thoughts on “S.W.A.T. 5×21 | Street one step away from death | HD”

  1. 2:473:13 AND THERE IT IS, EVERYBODY! THE moment we've been waiting for. I knew it! Street being close to death for just a mere second was the key to STRIS actually happening 🎉🎉

  2. on peut voir la peur sur le visage de chris en voyant street inconscient!!! c’était le déclic qui lui fallait et je pense qu’elle a retrouvé la raison et qu’elle ne quittera pas le swat. Elle veut être avec street et elle ne laissera pas seul au swat.

  3. They are moving this show to Friday nights again? The show did well on that night even though it’s the worse night for tv ratings wise. I almost feel like they want the show to do bad or something. Pick a night and leave the show alone

  4. La faccia terrorizzata di Chris parla piu' di ogni altra parola:il suo uomo giace a terra e non sa se e' vivo o e' morto.In quel momento capisce che non puo' far a meno di Street,sa che lo ama con tutto sé stessa;non puo' lasciare la Swat se prima non ha risolto il suo problema con Street,gli deve dire che lo ama e che la sua vita deve continuare con lui,non possono essere piu' separati,sarebbe come morire.Il muro di diffidenza che lei ha creato intorno a sé,s'e' sbriciolato di fronte alla possibilita' di perdere il suo "amore" per sempre.Vai Chris vivi la tua vita con Street e siate felici.

  5. If you read this and you are not saved,I care about you enough to tell you that you have sinned against a Holy God and because of that you are under condemnation because you can’t keep His perfect law or be righteous on your own and because of you can’t keep His law or be righteous on your own you are stuck in your sin, and you will endure God’s wrath for your crimes against Him only if you do not come to know and believe in His son Jesus Christ who died on the cross so the door to have your sins forgiven could be opened and you receive salvation as a free gift, if you reject Him you will suffer for all eternity, turn from your sinful ways and live a life that is appealing to the Lord and brings Him Glory you don’t have all the time in the world,tomorrow is not guaranteed,sin doesn’t fill the void in your heart or give you the satisfaction you want, it only digs your hole deeper,and increases the things your trying to escape

  6. Yeah as much as I like both Chris and street I really don’t like them as a couple. Just my opinion but I was really hoping for street to get together with the flight attendant


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