S-F Tier List – Guns .12.12 – Escape from Tarkov

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45 thoughts on “S-F Tier List – Guns .12.12 – Escape from Tarkov”

  1. I am just gonna say it, the ump was MASSIVELY underrated the entirety of the last few wipes, no way just a suppressor takes the gun from f tier to s, the ammo and such hasn't changed in around 6-8 months, the only thing that changed was the suppressor and people tried the game and realised it's not that bad.

  2. I feel like i hit 1 taps much more constantly with the 1911 and the TT than with the glock or any 9mm pistol really. Maybe the low ammo count just makes me tap more tho idk

  3. Okay so, armchair tarkov gamer here, played several wipes but haven't done much lately… I think one thing in the debate over the top pistol that was overlooked is muzzle velocity. If you compare the velocity on the top ammo for each of the 3 pistols, they're all over the place. .45 AP is under 300 m/s, the 9×21 BT is 410 m/s, and SS190 is all the way up at 715 m/s. So they're gonna behave very differently and the distance your target is away from you is going to basically decide which is best.

    And conveniently, there is a nice inverse relationship between their muzzle velocities and their flesh damage. They're all between 37 and 39 pen so that's basically the same, but their flesh damage values range from 49 to 70. So yeah, imo each of them is at least A tier, maybe even all S tier.. but none of them is the stand-out best pistol in all situations because the .45 AP is gonna suffer at medium ranges (~100m), and the 5-7 is gonna lack flesh damage compared to the other two, and the 9×21 BT is gonna sit in the middle and excel at neither.

    (Also this same argument could just mean 5-7 is the best because its functional range is the highest, and it's basically as good up close.)

  4. The UMP45 was always good in my opinion, I enjoyed it since it was released, it's only since this wipe some streamers have said "this gun good now" and everybody runs it.

  5. Oh Pestily that "discretion is advised" statement around 1:02 really saved your ass this time!

    I remember last time he made this list, and he got A LOT of flak for adding irrational hate for some firearms into the tier list without judging them accordingly, based on their merits and viability, as opposed to other guns being judged fairly though said process.

    Perhaps Pestily learned a bit this time xD

  6. Double barrel mode doesn't work past 3 meters though.
    For people that don't know, there is a slight delay so the second round actually flies high quickly, past 3 meters it goes over people's had.

  7. Btw Pest, STM shoots low. I dont know if its Bravo scope or HAMR issue but STM + 4x scope doesnt shoot on dot, it shoots low.
    Died 3x with it this wipe and I quit trying to use it. On my screen shot a standing guy in the face from a bush at 20-30m but didnt die tho dmg dealt was 50 something. This happened at least twice and only explanation is I hit him in thorax since it shot low. Didnt have shit ammo for it either and he didnt have a faceshield.

  8. Fletchettecannon 153 always comes back, needs no mods besides 7/8 round mag, is available lvl 2 Jaeger, fletchette destroys slick with 3 rounds in chest and then extra to 0 thorax, you can spam it super fast too and nothing really survives Fletch. In comparison AP-20 takes 4 shots to chest to even have a viable chance to pen slick, realistically 6 shots to kill someone wearing slick w AP20, only good thing about AP20 is the sniping. Fletchette is still meta. AP-20 and Magnum buck are close second.

    So IMO 153 S Tier along with KS23, KS wont ever return to you, 153 will. Both kill in a similar fashion and time.

  9. I totally agree with the cone of fire on the 133 being trash. I can never hit anything within 20 m with it but give me an 870 or mp155 and I'm doming people at 50m. I actually think the point of aim is higher than the top of the bore as it seems like the gun is lower than it should be which is counterintuitive to how you aim a shotgun.


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