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RWBY Volume 9 Chapter 10 Livestream Discussion

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49 thoughts on “RWBY | V9 C10 | NOOOOOOOO! – RETURN OF LIVE STREAM”

  1. I would say what to truly determine what makes something filler, is weather it’s mandatory to understand to understand what’s happening in the future.

    So I’m going to hold off on my verdict until volume 10, if it even comes, to see if what happened if it’s mandatory. However, things like the brother’s backstory, the night Summer left, and the potential time skip with team RWBY leans towards it not being filler.

  2. Ruby: I’ll still be myself.

    That’s why you suck as a character

    The "be yourself" message when the character sucks for that reason is bad.

    I thought the message they would give in this volume would be "be a better version of you"

    If you think something is wrong with you, you don’t have to change and be someone else, try to improve, learn from your actions and mistakes.

  3. 10 years of production and crwby still gave us nothing . With all the dedication just to satisfy fan ships, they should of just made rwby a slice of life show because they don’t know how to work with the plot well. 💀

  4. At least CRWBY hates men, except if it's Jaune. So at least they won't ruin Adam, Ironwood or even Roman (although I feel that they were willing to try in this volume, tbh) even more. Neo, Cinder and eventually Salem will be all forgiven.

  5. Episode 10 was like, "what the F@#$ just happened?!" That was the most quickest contrived recovery of a character In a mentally struggling place I have ever seen. That was a wasted season. No character development. They rushed all that just so they can show the Justice League crossover at the end 😂

  6. It’s not that volume 9 was the worst, it’s the fact that this whole volume was set up for character development only for them to flip the other way and delete it that’s annoying. Why waste budget and people’s time to pretend to do something only to not do it? The characters didn’t need to change massively, they just needed to learn something, anything. Why did any of this have to take place in this specific location away from the story?

  7. I was expecting Rwby to have either her semblance evolved or she would know magic, or have a new outfit or something. I was really disappointed that she's still the same in the end.

  8. Becon + Team RWBY Arc: Wasted
    Haven + Yang and Blake Arc: Wasted
    Atlas + Weiss Arc: Wasted
    Vacuo + Ruby Arc: Soon to be wasted
    Back to Becon + Team Rwby Arc: Soon to be wasted

    Meanwhile Rwby Chibi uses every character from the first three volumes to their fullest. Giving everyone the one thing that the original show couldn't do…..Development of characters and personality.

  9. Yo, I've never really watched the show only seen clips and reviews from guys like you. From what I can tell the series needs to have it's whole staff cut, handed over to a different studio, and rebooted

  10. You mention that the blacksmith is Alyx. Is that right? That's not how i interpreted it at all. She got killed but left something behind to fix her mistakes which was the dagger/in the dagger. Guess i could be wrong though.

  11. This will be my final "defense" of my interest in the "character" Neo. I can't/won't speak for anyone else, but myself here.
    I'm a simple guy. The first time I saw Neo fight Yang on the train she single handed knocked out the most skilled, aggressive and powerful member of team RWBY without getting hit ONCE. That left an impression that her present is that of an obstacle that not even Yang's OP semblance can overcome.

    Fastfoward, to Volume 6. The reintroduction of her "character" and teamup with Cinder (however illogical) marked that the threat of Neo had returned. Now, this is where I began to ride on blind faith that the writers would utilize her as her own faction in this war… and we all know how that turned out. So, in the end, she was a badass who was ruined by the writers attempt to characterize her. Her little arc basically failed for the same reason Last of Us 2 was bland. Revenge revenge revenge… then nothing left after.

  12. The Curious Cat’s plan made no sense. If all he wanted was someone to take him to Remnant, why didn’t he just make a deal with RWBY to help them get home as long as they took him with them just like with Alyx?

    Why couldn’t he just go through the portal himself? It was assumed that Afterans couldn’t leave, but the fact that the two Brothers were Afterans and could leave puts a hole in that theory. If, by off-chance, that they happened to be an exception, that would mean that even if Alyx kept her promise to the cat, she still couldn’t take him with her.

    If he always needed a host to go to Remnant, why didn’t he try that with Alyx instead of jumping straight to murder?

  13. Diehards say Ruby has grown to accept she's enough when she literally never had that issue before.

    Ruby has been the same character she has been since V1, where she has always done what she felt was right and the show has frequently backed her on it, telling her she is perfect and can do no wrong.

    In V4 she wrote a letter to Tai further cementing that she only wants to do her best and be the best huntress she can be, not Living up to some unrealistic standard of perfection. She only wants to make the world a little better just as she said to Blake in V1.

    She didn't change. This wanting to live up to Summer story is exclusively a V9 plot that never existed in the 10 years the show ran.

  14. Your channel and comment section is a perfect example of what happens when u watch something going into it expecting and looking to hate. Your media literacy is garbage and embarrassing 💀

  15. And here's the sad part. When volume 10 happens…if it happens…when the characters meet up with everyone, who thought they were dead, the emotional response will be very bland and quick as if nothing happened. They are very bad at writing strong emotional reactions and recovery that last longer than a minute with characters that are surprised to see someone they thought were dead or upset at them. As well as allowing certain emotions that deeply affect character's stick and be a new part of their development. Human beings are creatures that need time to transition from certain emotions that affected their self-worth and were traumatizing. This is why they really had something with Ruby and Juane in volume 9. Then they screwed it all up in one episode to rush the ending. Everything that Juane and Ruby went through at the end of volume 9 and throughout volume 10 was a waste. The sad part about this is we knew they were going to do this but we were hoping things changed. It's like a bad romantic relationship to where you hope the person changes for the better when you both wake up the next day but they continue to disappoint. As long as people keep watching and they make money, they aren't going to change a got damn thing… I'm done with Ruby. There is nothing that will interest me for volume 10. We're going to get the same flat characters with irrational behavior towards others, situations and events that make no sense.

    One more thing… A side note. Monty did not write this show for little children. He wrote this show as if he was writing a shounen. That's why the showing of death was in it. If this show is written for little kids today then this is an embarrassment to the direction Monty was going with his creation.

  16. The ending sucks team rwby could have asked the tree to create something to kill Salem since the tree created the gods so it could create something to bypass Salem immorality what's the point of the volume when juane and ruby stay the same

  17. Idk why certain people found it so shocking to hear Vex say "BMBLB is what kept this volume from being filler", it's facts.

    The BMBLB confirmation is nowhere to be seen other than Volume 9 if you like the ship. If you don't, this volume is 100% filler.

    Any RWBY fan hoping for this show to be good in the sense of writing, world building or character reflecting on themselves, we got tricked yet again by the writer's poor decision making. They can have all the elements to craft a story but of course Team RWBY aren't flawed, they can do anything like the heroes in the books.

    I was really hoping the line "Life isn't like a fairy tale" meant so much more from the start of the volume because in the Ever After, there's no grimm or relics to force negativity to come and kill them at every turn, they can be as negative as possible at each other or at themselves without the fear of being killed, but no…they didn't do that and turned Ruby back into the same Ruby when we started this volume.

    This volume went absolutely nowhere, you can't dispute it.

  18. I thought this volume was OK. It was perfectly okay.
    By itself a lot of the episodes were fun but in context there was a few interesting ideas, particularly with Jaune and Ruby, that they backtrack on. And it makes you go, well what was the point?

    Kinda like how I liked vol 7 (hot take, I know) but after vol 8, it's filler. May as well not exist.

    Well, the cat was fun.

  19. It's nice to see you streaming again Vex, I couldn't stay long for the actual stream but I finished the video now. Imo, since this is nothing that Monty wanted I just consider the last 6 volumes filler. I stopped watching after 5 or 6 but kept up to date with your videos, I enjoy your thoughts and comments about the show. Looking forward to more videos from you man.

  20. Why does Ruby react like Summer going off was some sort of big secret or that she “lied”: Qrow talked to her in Volume 7 about her and even he didn’t know what she was doing so it clearly wasn’t a “standard mission” and Salem taunts Ruby at the end of the Volume.

    I know Ruby is stupid but what the fuck?

    Blake is completely useless in the fight aside from the combo attack at the end.

    The cat was completely right with everything he said and all W/BY did is offer some cheesy platitudes.

    Didn’t really care about Neo but her staying in the Everafter feels like a cop out, she should have all the reason to return to Remnant seeing as Cinder is still alive.

    Didn’t really care about the reunion with Little, Little was even less of a character then Neo hell they were barley even a plot device they just served as walking merch and cheap emotional manipulation as the “cutesy character” getting stomped on.

    The lore about the Brother Gods, feels like lore for the sake of lore. Was anyone actually wondering what their origin was? I would’ve been fine if they were like the Celestials from Marvel where the Everafter was seen as a “failure” by them so they moved on and tried again, not having a door conjured by a tree so they could leave.

    It’s amazing how Yang grabs Blake’s hand as they walk through the door of the unknown, her reaction in general to Ruby being alive again is really underwhelming

    Also it would’ve been cool if Jaune wasn’t de-aged but sadly that didn’t happen and he gets the stupid banana hair back.

  21. a landmark of volume 9 being worth less then filler is you could easily skip the entire season and assume the same things. "blake and yang are together officially? Cool! Thought it was obvious from vol 7" "ruby is gaining confidence as a leader? About time! She's been on and off depression since vol 4!". Weiss is there standing idly as a character whos basically furniture throughout the season with literally no development or any meaningful interactions. Im still not convinced of jaunes character, hes not interesting even after the stupid time shenanigans the writers pulled to make up for him not being traumatized enough to write and i still think jaune shouldve died instead of pyrrha.

  22. I said this in the comment section of the short but I’m going to post it here in hopes more people see it because I think it’s the core problem with Ruby the character and RWBY the show. This volume was terrible in fact it’s probably one of the worst ones but probably not because of what most people think. This volume hyper focuses off the glaring issues that has plagued RWBY since volume 4. The writers mistakenly conflate guilt with shame. This becomes incredibly obvious in volume 9 episode 7 and onwards. Episode 7 has Ruby rip into everyone but gets upset ant Jaune’s comments and runs off. But not because she feels guilty about her actions no if you pay close attention to what is happening she runs off because she doesn’t like getting shamed for her actions. 

    There’s a difference between guilt and shame as guilt is a moral self evaluation while shame is a non moral evaluation often times not even a self evaluation as people often attribute it to “being shamed” meaning someone else is doing the evaluation instead of yourself. Shame is not focused on responsibility issues it is rather concerned with a perceived discrepancy between one’s actual and one’s ideal self. In fact, one may feel ashamed of one’s ugliness, disability, or any other flaw for which he or she is not responsible. However, one may also feel ashamed (rather than guilty) of a responsible fault. ashamed people do not focus on responsibility issues, but on the disappointing fact that such fault reveals their defectiveness with regard to their ideal self. Meaning in that episode and in that entire volume Ruby isn’t upset that she messed up leading to people suffering she’s upset that she messed up because that means she’s not perfect she’s upset because Jaune is pointing out that she’s not perfect (which makes the ending even worse because she’s told she is perfect). 

    This is further shown in episode 8 where she feels no guilt at her actions and doesn’t feel any negative emotions until everyone else (technically just Neo but it’s basically them) is telling her her actions make her a terrible huntress which goes against her ideal self of a perfect huntress (symbolized by her mother). So she drinks the tea to run away from the shame of not being perfect hopping to become someone who is but then the tree validates her by basically telling her she’s perfect just the way she is mass killings an all through her mother who is the embodiment of Ruby’s ideal self (the perfect huntress) telling her she loves her just the way she is. 

    And that is why this volume in my opinion is the worst because intentional or not the writers created the most selfish, cowardly, and morally bankrupt character in a show that is full of selfish, cowardly, and morally bankrupt characters and then told us we need to treat her like the perfect person she wants to be because she’s the hero because we say so not because she actually did anything heroic or has any heroic traits or is a decent human being but because we’re telling you too. The writers are trying to convince you to praise bad behavior from bad people and they have been doing it for a wile (anyone remember Black smacking Sun around as a joke?) it’s just way more obvious at this point. Sorry for the length but I think this is something that needs to be pointed out.


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