Russia's Nuke Targets

Things aren’t going well for Putin and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and as Russia is continually pushed back and embarrassed, they might resort to more desperate counter-attacks that could change everything! Check out today’s epic new video to find out what would happen if Russia unleashed its full nuclear arsenal. Where are its primary targets located? Watch and find out!


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39 thoughts on “Russia's Nuke Targets”

  1. I'm am disappointed that DC isn't target 1 .
    Is there anything we can do for Russia to get them to target DC first?
    Keep your shorts on Putin, I'm getting pelosie's address for you. Lol

  2. The Minute Man missle houses 3 warheads a piece. The targets would all be hit simultaneously. And it only takes about 20 minutes from launch to hit the targets.
    The instant Riussia launches, the satellites would pick it up. And we would launch. Our subs ballistic missiles would hit first followed by our minute man ICBMs.

  3. Your all forgetting one thing, even though this seems scary you are all forgetting that he did not explain how the USA would react, first off most likely before the nuke makes it anywhere near these targets advanced monitoring and defense systems would have picked it up, remember NORAD also, then anti nuke defense system would take off, so even if Russia launched all of its nukes, in a worst case scenario only 25 percent would hit

  4. It's also a good to keep in mind, The vast majority of russias intercontinental ballistic missiles are liquid fuelled.

    Liquid fuelling is more expensive and more maintenance heavy than the solid fuel missles used by the USA, UK and France. Whom pay more for maintenance per missle despite the lower costs of their missles.

    In conclusion, Russia's ICBM's are more than likely as decrepit and functional as the rest of their armed forces.

  5. Just one strike will crash Americas economy. When the only resources the federal and local governments can provide is body bags and coffins. Yet martial law forces us to stay in our homes without food and water . This will reach a tipping point. It will escalate into mass conflict. This will be the end on days.

  6. Well my fellow American boys. I hope y'all are ready to fight because as soon as any of our bases or part of our country is nuked we are getting drafted through SS and regular draft

    count on that


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