Russians have been ‘humiliated’ by Ukraine

Sky News host Andrew Bolt says the Russians have been “humiliated” by the Ukrainians and the country’s army has been “smashed”.

“And Russian President Vladimir Putin is so desperate that he’s just upped the stakes, to actually increase, quite deliberately, the chance of nuclear war,” he said.

Mr Bolt discussed this issue with Hoover Institution Senior Fellow Victor Davis Hanson.


48 thoughts on “Russians have been ‘humiliated’ by Ukraine”

  1. зеленський великий брехун він робить все для сша щоб знищити росію зеленський робить це не для україни а для сша йому платять американці
    zelensʹkyy velykyy brekhun vin robytʹ vse dlya ssha shchob znyshchyty rosiyu zelensʹkyy robytʹ tse ne dlya ukrayiny a dlya ssha yomu platyatʹ amerykantsi

  2. CONFIRMED : Adolf Putin the idiot needs Russian kids, to insert them in his cannon. This war will be 1 000 000 young russian dead, most idiots and on drugs vodka. It was reported coyotes around Russian dead soldiers, but not eating them due to the smell. Any explanation Adolf Putin ? ПОДТВЕРЖДЕНО Адольфу Путину-идиоту нужны русские дети, чтобы вставить их в свою пушку. В этой войне погибнет 1 000 000 молодых русских, большинство идиотов и под водочным наркотиком. Сообщалось о койотах вокруг русских мертвых солдат, но они не едят их из-за запаха. Есть ли объяснения у Адольфа Путина?

  3. How sad for the people of Australia that this fake news host Andrew Bolt lies to them. Significant misinformation and disinformation. Let's not forgot that Zelenski does not allow journalists into or near the front line. All the lies he tells come from official Zelenski sources. How strange he does not talk about Zelenski "demanding" the West use Nuclear Weapons against Russia.. And Russia is the tyrant? All that NATO forces in Ukraine and the massive amount of USA weapons. This will not end well for the USA. And where is the mention that this is the 8th year of this confrontation. Lies lies and more lies dear Australians. Dump Sky News Australia as any reliable news force. Pure propaganda and outright lies.

  4. Once again Andrew Bolt is ignoring facts. From Feb to the begining of Sept, there's been talk of Ukraine & Poland getting nukes. Plus, you had Lizard Truss say she would have no problem pushing the button on Russia. I wonder if Russia calling up reservists has anything to do with Georgia & the Baltic states talking about a second front against Russia. The Georgian leaders don't want to fight Russia but, if the people want it the govt. said they would. The anti-war protests had a few hundred people combined in Moscow & St. Pete.

  5. Yes, WWIII has started (Putin started it in 2014) and more and more people are understanding that. This will demand huge costs in lives and material but Russia is rich and will have to pay reparations for 100 years…

  6. I can help you and give 2 reasons why Ukraine was so successful in the early days of the Special Operation by Russia: (1) Ukraine had been training her men folk for war (ex-President Poroshenko was playing for time to militarise the whole country); (2) Ukraine has been flooded with some of the best sophisticated weapons donated by the West specifically to defeat Russia. This was tantamount to a direct attack by individual countries from NATO , and the EU, as well as the UK, on Russia. These countries have been warned by Russia that if they attack Russian territory directly or indirectly, then they will suffer a counter-attack which will be sudden, terrible and overwhelmingly destructive, so that those countries would be unable to function following such an attack.
    Russia is aware of both areas of concern and is acting to counter both threats. In case the West has forgotten, Russia remains a superpower with enough thermal weapons to destroy the world 20 times over. To say Russia is broken is as far from the truth as one can get.

  7. ‘Sham' referendums on joining Russia underway in occupied parts of Ukraine"…????Russia’s nuclear threat is not a bluff ,it become existential threat if referendum become successful, UN charter with "brutal, needless war" in Ukraine": from Russia. ??Ukraine a front for NATO calls for stricter energy sanctions on Russia…??by Dementia Evil Joe Biden and Blinken…Really??To end war..Biden with billions upon billions of unlimited weapons support to Ukraine can stop war????? how about NATO sending thousand of NATO force on the pretext of Ukraine forces to attack Russia speaking territory…illegitimately..Russia Complicit.???…In Europe, crisis has struck. What was expected to happen in the coming winter months has begun already. What are we talking about? Industries shutting down, factories ceasing operations and employees being told their jobs are no longer secure. What is causing the widespread closure of industries across Europe? The fact that energy prices have soared – making the continuation of operations unfeasible. But that’s not all. While energy prices are indeed soaring, entire industries are now being deprived of natural gas supplies, making it impossible for them to continue manufacturing. European energy-intensive industries depended on Russian gas for their operations. is to starting EU voter is losing trust while member politician rebel against Vladimir Putin issues nuclear threat, plans Ukraine escalation"…Why Is Putin unstoppable……??Why would you want to stop Putin? Don't you understand that it is impossible to make Russia serve the U.S. and the EU? The leaders of Western countries now look with horror into the future they have created by their destructive actions. They are now "smartly" advising their people to tighten their belts and cut back on energy, water and even food. What happened?

    Notions that the Russians are going to lose the war in Ukraine are “naïve,” says clinical psychologist Dr Jordan Peterson.Could the Earth have been attacked by aliens? No! Maybe the climate has changed drastically and Africa is now as cold as Antarctica. No!Simply the U.S. decided to solve its financial problems at the expense of Russia and with the help of its henchmen from the EU and NATO began to announce sanctions against Russia. They are refusing Russian energy, fertilizers and food products, thereby trying to weaken Russia. On top of all this, they have been preparing an armed attack on Russia by nationalist Ukraine since 2004.Putin flirts again with grim prospect of nuclear war – this time he might mean it.Russian leader’s speech marks biggest escalation of Ukraine war, and raises fears of unprecedented disaster.'I'm not bluffing': Putin warns the west over nuclear weapons –“This is not a bluff.”

    The message from Vladimir Putin’s ominous , which marked the biggest escalation of the Ukraine war since the invasion , was clear: Russia is willing to use nuclear weapons “by all means” to defend the “territorial integrity” of the Russian-occupied lands and their people.Putin claimed the west had tried to turn Ukraine's people into cannon fodder'. Putin announces partial mobilization and threatens nuclear retaliation in escalation of Ukraine war.“Putin’s statements go beyond the Russian nuclear doctrine, which only suggests Russian first use in a conventional war when the very existence of the state is threatened,”Ukraine, which has been making rapid military gains over the past few weeks, has stressed that it will continue its efforts to liberate occupied lands, with Ukraine’s president…

    And what was the end result? You can clearly see the dramatic drop in living standards in Western Europe and the United States. And most importantly, Vladimir Putin is to blame for this.And yet Putin did not announce idiotic sanctions, but only mirrored the mindless demands of the West.There is an anecdote in Russia:One day a gypsy decided to conduct an experiment with feeding his horse. Every day he kept reducing the amount of feed he gave his horse. After a month his horse died…Many Western leaders are very much like this gypsy…Russia-Ukraine live news: Putin mobilizes citizens in reserves.A sweeping Ukrainian counteroffensive has seen Kyiv recapture vast swaths of territory from Russian forces in recent weeks .Russian President Vladimir Putin orders a “partial mobilization” of citizens in reserve forces as Moscow loses ground on the battlefield.he mobilization decree will see 300,000 additional personnel called to serve in Ukraine.

    Putin must recognize he cannot win Ukraine war": ..Really??How about kamikaze drone from Iranian..1,000 will be 1,000,0000 with mass production..Russia has brought into use what are known as Iranian suicide drones for its operations in Ukraine, and these kamikaze drones are inflicting severe damage on the Ukrainian military. Over the past week, Iranian Shahed-136 drones supplied to Russia carried out several devastating strikes on Ukrainian troops. These are cheap drones, and are hardly as advanced as their American, British or Israeli counterparts. For Russia, though, these drones are proving to be very potent weapons to mount attritive attacks against Ukrainian forces in areas they successfully launched a counteroffensive in, especially Kharkiv. These drones are not loaded with weapons, but in themselves, are lethal as they almost always crash into targets they once lock on..

    All western idiots need to understand…nothing can stop this biggest crusher..leader like Putin have a task to flatting the human divide.. Putin will only give up his “imperial human savior ambitions” that risk destroying Ukraine and Russia if he recognizes he can win and must win the war come winter, Russia always win in the winter…..This is why USA is a dichotomy of fighting two war-one with Russia on proxy and another if this go wrong all the Eu voter will rebel against USA while all politician will not accept any peace dictated by Russia and this is why Ukraine must be able to fend off Russia’s attack,” The return of imperialism, with Putin’s war on Ukraine, was not just a disaster for Europe but for the global,"" rules-based peace order."".

  8. I'm surprised Sky News Australia is buying into the Main Stream Media narrative that Russia is losing the war in the Ukraine. I thought Sky thought more independently than that.

  9. The US never is humiliated because it is too stupid to understand shame. But, if it did understand shame it would be the world's foremost expert on shame. Iraq, Syria, Libya, Vietnam, and the list goes on.

  10. Ukraine is not beating Russia and is a proxy war against Russia!I never thought that Sky News Australia would follow regime change.Which is what the Democrats are trying to achieve through Ukraine which is just a tool to achieve this!

  11. Wrong! Russians have been humiliated by $35 billion in direct military aid to the Ukraine and unless there will be yet another $35 billion of military aid to the Ukraine in the next six months, the Russians will simply advance again. The NATO proxy war being fought in the Ukraine to weaken Russia is going to weaken NATO at an exponentially faster rate. In the meantime China will be able to attack Taiwan and North Korea will be able to attack South Korea since the US capacity to counter in those conflicts will be greatly reduced.

  12. Interesting, I was taught that in Marine Corps, infantry training, that we were being trained to think for ourselves, and be prepared to step up and take a leadership role if necessary. Also we were always taught to improvise , make it happen, if you didn't have the proper tools; improvise,
    " Can't means You won't."


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