Russians are fleeing the city of Makarivka | Military Mind | TVP World

According to the Russian government and its propagandists, Russian troops are making daily progress on the frontlines and fighting very heroically.

#TVPWorld #russianaggression #Makarivka #counteroffensive #warinukraine #russiainvadesukraine

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49 thoughts on “Russians are fleeing the city of Makarivka | Military Mind | TVP World”

  1. Sadly no matter the type of high Tech weapon they design , you still need the Infantry to take the territory back. They have stronger morals than here. All i see are druggies whinging about No more war , dont send Weapons, Bidens war . They would run into the desert like chickens if the war came to their world

  2. Great use of drones! May Our Lady of Zarvanytsia, Andrey Sheptytsky, Blessed Nicholas Charnetsky, Blessed Vasyl Velychkovsky and all Ukrainian saints, First Testament Prophets (Elijah, Ezekiel, Joel, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Amos etc), Jewish holy men and women, St Michael, Raphael and Gabriel, all the angels, St Benedict, St Maximilian Kolbe, St Mary MacKillop, St Clare of Assisi, St Maximilian Kolbe, St Joseph, St John Paul II and St George ask the Almighty to help Ukraine. May it be freed from Russian oppression. May all who have died RIP and may relatives and friends be comforted. May those who are injured receive the best support for recovery.

  3. It must be noted that Ukraine is fighting this war on behalf of the West. If they don't stop Russia now then NATO will be at war within a few decades (years?) When the body-bags start coming home throughout Europe and North America, it'll be too late to say "We should have done more."

    Glory to the brave Ukrainians forced, by Russia, to fight for their country. Glory also to those Belarussian, Chechen and Russian units along with volunteers from around the world.

    The global effects this war is causing make this a watershed moment for mankind. Stand up and beat a bully or just let him walk all over you.

  4. The west is STILL holding back critical arms. It has surfaced that the US really does not want Ukraine to WIN but to just hold Russia at bay. Loss of life is not the interest of the US or the West in gerneral. Slava Ukriani!

  5. its a pity, for both sides. Those soldiers, mostly, dont deserve this and nobody should ever invade anyone anywhere, yet here we are still. Sometimes i wonder where is that meteor from dont look up movie. I dont think humanity deserves this planet.

  6. I always remember right at the beginning of the war, on the outskirts of Kyiv I think, this old lady going up to 2 Russian soldiers guarding a crossroads, which I thought was so dangerous because they were shooting anything that moved.
    This gutsy old lady demanded that they take sunflowers from her and put them in their pockets. She was loud and they told her to go away. She repeated the demand, trying to put them in their pockets, saying that when they are killed on Ukrainian land sunflowers will grow. You are occupiers, you are enemies, from this moment you are cursed.
    I hope that old woman is still OK. She was a legend.
    Slava Ukraini !

  7. 'Russians are moving forward daily …'. Yep. 'Forward' is a relative term; it is relative to the way you are facing. So, if Russian friends are running away from the war, they are in fact 'going forward" 🙂

  8. 🔥 🔥‍💀💀🔥From a retired us army E 8 master Sergeant From The Good Old U.S.of Combat vet of two wars to include being seriously wounded in combat! My heart and soul are with Ukraine! Onward and forward to Victory! I pray your aim is true and your hands steady; may War never harden your heart only Your Resolve; Till victory and PEACE! Climb To Glory!LONG LIVE THE-Ukraine! HAVE A SAFER YEAR! Slava ! To the Ukraine Long Live THE-Ukraine! ✝GOD Bless you all in the Ukraine! and have a a better and safer year!! in the Ukraine! З Різдвом Христовим Україно!✝Glory To Ukraine! Glory To The Heroes! of the Ukraine ! ✊💪✌💙💛 Ukraine! you guys Just Keep on Giving them RUSSIAN S.O.B's. RuzziOarcs a great big taste of what pure Hell's 🔥🔥 🔥‍💀💀is really like💙💛Slava ! Ukraine! Warmest regards and support from the U.S.of A !❤Slava ! Ukraine! 💙💛 Warmest regards and support from the U.S.of A !❤ Glory to Ukraine Slava ! Ukraine Glory to the Heroes of the Ukraine Slava ! Ukraine✝GOD Bless THE Ukraine from the U.S.of A !❤! Glory and to all the hero's! of the Ukraine 💙💛God✝ blesses you all 💙💛 and to all of your families and all of your allies✝God be with you All you just keep on trusting in GOD and stay safe keep on being strong 💪✝ Slava ! To the Ukraine✝GOD Bless you all in the Ukraine! and have a happier and a better and safer new 20223 year!! in the Ukraine! З Різдвом Христовим Україно!✝Glory To Ukraine! Glory To The Heroes!Long Live THE-Ukraine! ✊💪✌💙💛 From The Good Old U.S.of A. Ukraine! you guys Just Keep on Giving them S.O.B's. Ruzzia Orcs a great big taste of what pure Hell's is really like🔥🔥 🔥‍💀💀🔥💙💛Slava ! Ukraine!Long Live THE-Ukraine! Warmest regards and support from the U.S.of A !❤Slava ! Ukraine! 💙💛 Warmest regards and support from the U.S.of A !❤ Glory to Ukraine Slava! Ukraine Glory to the Heroes of the Ukraine Slava ! Ukraine✝GOD Bless THE Ukraine from the U.S.of A !❤! Glory and to all the hero's of the Ukraine 💙💛God✝ blesses you all 💙💛 and to all of your families and all of your allies✝God be with you All you just keep on trusting in GOD and stay safe keep on being strong 💪✝Long Live THE-Ukraine!downwithRuzzia

  9. I think he meant "lend lease". A military financial mechanism to equip America's friends and allies during WW2. It was inaugurated in September 1940 by F. D. Roosevelt, over a year before the US entered WW2 after Pearl Harbor. Ironically, millions of tons of aid was shipped to Stalin.

  10. Hopefully U.S.A. and other countries will give their better to Ukraine, to give their better weapons to Ukrainians!!!

    USA, pleace give your best to Ukrainian heroes against terrorist russia!

  11. Should be named propaganda mind not military mind.. Hehehe worse than communist bs.. Hehehe tak ruski wszedzie spierdala jest bity ginie a ukraincom nic.. Hehehe tylko jakoś ta mapa tego nie odzwierciedla… Hehehe just saying czas zamknac to przedszkole..

  12. The only brave thing that I have seen from any Russian soldier is when the one swam across the Dniper River just to surrender to Ukrainian soldiers. The rest has been cowering, hiding, retreating, and targeting civilians. When I was in Iraq, not even the Taliban or Mujahideen were cowards like the Russians. They fought with pride, honor, a lot of skill, and trying to save their people and land.
    Glory to Ukraine, cheers to NATO, and here is to a swift victory over these cowards!!!


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