Russian tank brigade has completely FALLEN! Ukraine trapped Russia in the East!


31 thoughts on “Russian tank brigade has completely FALLEN! Ukraine trapped Russia in the East!”

  1. There’s nothing in the world more cowardly than deliberately bombing innocent civilians, except freezing and starving them to death. Any respect I had for Russia is gone. Ukraine stay strong, be brave.

  2. 𝗥𝘂𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗮-𝗨𝗸𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗪𝗮𝗿: 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗮 𝗕𝗼𝘅 𝗶𝘀 𝗢𝗽𝗲𝗻
    The ramifications of this war run much deeper than the impact it will cause to those directly involved in the conflict. It will reshape the world, as it is likely that other latent frictions between countries and territories will be activated as a consequence of the Russia-Ukraine situation. This war just opened an era of wars, small and large, between different peoples.
    UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson recently said that this war could easily become "the biggest war in Europe since 1945", and I agree. If countries with similar backgrounds cannot reach agreement between them, then how much more likely it is that several countries that have big differences and ancient conflicts may easily slip into war for no apparent justifiable reason.
    On a personal level, it saddens me to see how fate turns around and once again we find ourselves at war. I am sorry and restless since I have many students in Russia and Ukraine who are under threat and feel how the deteriorating situation is affecting them and the whole world. In Israel, too, I have many students who follow with concern what is happening in Eastern Europe, anxious about the fate of their family members and friends.
    My hope is that the manifestations of hatred between the Russians and the Ukrainians will stop soon, two peoples who have lived side by side throughout history. If it were still possible, I would give everything I could to silence, calm down, avoid the escalation, but this is impossible for now.
    There is not much that we can do at this stage. We can only long for peace and a ceasefire, talk about all parties showing restraint. The parties in conflict could follow the example of the Native American tribes who buried their hostility in a ceremony during which previously warring tribes agreed to settle their differences and live in harmony, and sealed their agreement by the chief of each tribe burying a war hatchet in the ground.
    Such a scenario does not look realistic under the current circumstances. Thus, above the forces of hostility, above the egoism and control as the driving forces of all the conflicts in the world, we can only raise a global prayer for peace, asking that we all get along with everyone. Because only in the power of connection and in the connection between our hearts, can a great positive force arise, a force that is able to unite all parties, to reconcile the haters, to awaken the truth in us all that we all belong to one soul. As it is written, “He who makes peace in His heights, may He make peace upon us…” (The Book of Job, 25:2)

  3. Putin's lootin's, sees what he cannot do for his own and stomps in to take from his neighbour who has been so bold as to build a decent country and grow, he's a rapist, thief, murderer in the night, a demonic jackal and his pack, greedy and blind, ignorant and brutal cohorts, the worst neighbour ever, any surprise more countries want to join NATO? If Mother Nature doesn't take the planet down, the greed of war-mongerers will… if they can, I pray the whole world stands up to all the war criminals and justice is served before we are all gone 🙁
    Slava Ukraine!

  4. Don't worry putler, it's only a matter of time before your 3 day exercise is successful. The Gilligan's Island crew went on a three hour cruise, and it took a while, but they got back to Civilization. Maybe Russia can get back to Civilization again one day too?

  5. Good important video! Good thing I have my own map to look up where Kursk is. It is North of Kharkiv well into Russia. Bryansk is North of Sumy, also into Russia. You should point that stuff out on a map, so to be professional. This is a great volume of information bold print single space detail. It is all good information. Need to decide what needs to be communicated here and now; and, what can wait. A little spacing between details is good.

  6. Merry Christmas 25 Dec. 2022 and Happy a New Year January 2023 to Ukrainian Army Forces and President Selensky "Glory to Lord in Heaven and Peace for all Humanity in the heart" ( The Angeles voice of Merry Christmas…)

  7. It astounds me that such long distance missiles haven’t been given to Ukraine yet. The war could be well and truly finished had they bombed the Kremlin a few dozen times

  8. How come Russia can target the infrastructure of Ukraine. But Ukraine cannot target the locations of missiles and rockets inside Russia. If Ukraine can target Russia and hit the locations of missiles and rockets then Ukraine can conserve their missiles and rockets instead of using them to destroy Russian flying missiles and rockets. Western Europe and US are afraid of the bluff of Russia that they will enlarge the area of operation if Ukraine bomb Russia. The truth is Russia is already weak. The terrorists at the Kremlin are laughing right now at Biden, Macron and Scholz. NATO countries are cowards.

  9. Ukraine are that strong army can work to fight through the winter as they have got power to save their country. God bless them all, and the Ukrainian angels. Xx.🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦😉😘

  10. Those that are religious ( as I am) it is to early for nuclear weapons. This is not bad enough. And the anti-christ has not shown up yet. I am sure we are witnessing the beginning of the end. It’s started. God is real. He is alive. ✝️


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