Russian Pro Explains Why Amazon Is Killing Lost Ark | Asmongold Reacts

The “Russian Pro” of Lost Ark firmly believes that “Amazon Game Studios is a lying trash company that released dog**** version of the game for the Western servers.” Asmongold reacts to Divium Furor and his take on the state of Lost Ark. Previously, the Russian Pro warned us that Lost Ark is doomed in the West, explained why the decline of Lost Ark was inevitable due to Pay-To-Win, and the death of Free-To-Play in the MMO….

Original Videos;
Wizard vs Lost Ark Class Balance – Berserker Edition
Nerfs And Lies
Subscribe to Divium Furor!

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28 thoughts on “Russian Pro Explains Why Amazon Is Killing Lost Ark | Asmongold Reacts”

  1. I hope amazon dies as a publisher and never returns, full cost reduction strategy only harms video gate market in the long run, already two buggy queue simulators

  2. The problem with NA/EU Lost Ark is that KR/RU version exists. There is no harm without comparison. Also, Western players always want things to be handed to them within a week or two. There's a lot of screaming and whining when they can't have maxed out everything within a month of a game launch.

    The correct approach for the NA/EU launch would have been to only release T1 content at launch. Once all the F2P players have min-maxed their characters in 3 months, release T2. Repeat until you've caught up to the KR/RU version of the game. Whales reach the current cap faster but still have to wait for the gated progression for F2P. You'll still get the whales' money and mitigate the impression that you need to P2W or else you'll be stuck in obsolete content while the whales are still way ahead of the curve when it comes to content access.

  3. After the way New World turned out, it`s amusing to see people in disbelief, at how Lost Ark is going, I tried New World for two weeks, and that was enough for me to stay away from anything that has ties to Amazon.

  4. i'm sick of pay to win games…no community no satisfaction to craft your first weapon after 2 weeks of farming….they just wanna extract the money from us…hope ill get to stay alive for next 7 years till RIOTS MMORPG will see the light…and i hope it will be subscribed based mmorpg

  5. problem is that most people dont notice, is that literally every outside company looks at United States players base as dumb cows, ready to be milked. They think that dollars here grow on trees and all we have to do is reach and pull them off. it's a metaphor. but this is literally true. Another good game World of Tanks, made it here back in the days. completely destroyed by monetization. like you can't pay 10$ a month plus face value of the game and play it. there is a crap load of those monetization things. plus game mechanics are rigged in such way that they constantly nudge you and push you towards spending money. I already spend 500$ on this game within a month. at that rate i can just start burning dollar bills. i'll play a bit more and will go back to ESO, there i can at least spend 100$ a year and not worry about anything else. just enjoy the game. plus it has good stories, decent cinematics, alright pvp and general raid and dungeon content.

  6. Yo, if you've played TERA like i did, you'd recognize this pattern immediately, its what Gameforge did with TERA compared to its korean counterpart. Thats why when i saw the actual gameplay and progression systems in lost ark i made a 180 and uninstalled. At least TERA has amazing combat, this thing is meh. Not to mention it almost looks like a mobile game >.>

  7. This guy is right i played russian version atleast not in the begining but it was early lets say, and its obvious amazon wants to grab as much money before ppl realise.


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