Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny dies in prison

Alexei Navalny, the Russian opposition leader and longtime critic of Vladimir Putin, has died in a prison in Russia, officials …


36 thoughts on “Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny dies in prison”

  1. Has anyone in the West seen his body? How do we know he’s actually dead when they won’t let anyone see his body… It’s difficult to believe what comes out of the mouth of that **

  2. I think it is so disgusting that Putin would take a political opponent and strip them of all they are and put them in prison just because he fears them politically. It’s vile and disgusting. Thank god nothing like that is happening in America. . . . Wait, oops 😬

  3. 5a- A few minutes ago, for the first time, I saw and listened to and read Navalny's statement.

    I was already correct on my fifth statement posted here.

    For thousands of years, people have tried to destroy evil, and evil is getting stronger.

    To destroy evil, we all need to do it.

    I have already written a metaphysical article saying that humanity must extinct humanity itself. Yet I did not express or publish how. Yet it suggests not genocide or violence, nor suicide or murdering.

    Because humanity is incapable of correcting itself. It is a fact of reality.

    * Although integrity is very beautiful to have, and it is powerful, it is individual and not collective.

    There is a reason that it is not possible to change the world in this way.

    For it needs deliverance and not liberty.

    Freedom is not possible while one lives.

    In my philosophical theory, suffering is a fact of life, but what humanity is experiencing now is not suffering but violating human rights and privilege in which the government claims to have hold of it. Either be US American or Russian. We are living under scrutiny of some frequencies and vibrations of outer forces beyond governments.

    Evil is very smart.

    Emancipation without a relatively perfect mind is not possible.

    And if one says everything is possible, then I shall say yes, it is possible to be impossible.

    There is no free-will, yet there are choices, but choices from what!?

    Physical poverty is the number one problem for the brain to develop and follow a healthy, non-manipulated mind. But where is a healthy mind!?

    Many write pages of books that I can say in a paragraph or sentence or a word. And I have not charged you for this writing. It takes integrity and ethics.

    "Humanity is living for death".

    Navalny thinking people are powerful is a fantasy. A form of noble suicide which is not.

    I am all alone here, with people dancing in the dark with puck heads.

    Dr. Andrew
    Metaphysician philosopher

  4. Обьясните пожалуйста с чего вы решили, что он ,,лидер оппозиции,,? Если его МИ-6 назначили, то не надо это навязывать россиянам! Ничего не получилось, вот и МИ-6 закрыло этот неудачный проект!

  5. He was killed. Maybe they poisoned him again and given us a lie that he felt and died. He was only 47 years old, and he couldn't died by falling. I hqve been in Russia 🇷🇺 twice and is corrupt. The world has change but Russia has stated the same. RIP❤❤Evil!

  6. Well his wife did have the last visit with him in prison on Valentine's Day and then went to the Munich Security Conference on the 16th. Do you think this was a coincidence? Who was her film company, make up and designer entourage when she should been home privately mourning the lost of her husband.??????

  7. Kinda like when Jeffrey Epstein was killed in US prison…. hmmm… Epstein was a DANGER to US politicians. Clintons, FBI director and many many others… STOP pretending like this doesnt happen in America.


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