Russian forces ‘fleeing’ in a ‘blind panic’

Sky News host Andrew Bolt says a Ukrainian counter-offensive has sent Russian forces fleeing in a “blind panic”.

“They’ve driven tanks and trucks into rivers and even into a tree,” Mr Bolt said.

Mr Bolt discussed the pushback with Ukrainian MP Inna Sovsun.


26 thoughts on “Russian forces ‘fleeing’ in a ‘blind panic’”

  1. Russia gave up 1/40th of what they occupied. Fact of the matter is the west started this in 2014. Don’t get your news by journalists who get their paychecks signed by billionaires unless you want to get propagandized.

  2. Come on SNA you expose your true nature when you push this pro-globalist BS, so who are you really supporting? who tells you what to say when is convenient to support the globalist agenda? This is not the first time and your condemnation of Russia over Ukraine is my chief argument, but it is enough to show the people that your negative Russian coverage is quite obvious and evident of your MSM compliance, you are the MSM!!

  3. Just what kind of fool is this Bolt with his parroting of Ukrainian propaganda. Yet he condemns Russian media parroting the Duma…such hypocrisy. He even blamed Russian military for shelling the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, where their own military were stationed, also he supported the proposed assassination of Putin. How pathetic was that commentary. Yeah send more bushrangers b/c they are being destroyed en masse. The SMO concludes and a terrorist label recently placed on the Armed Forces of Ukraine [denazification] you haven't seen nothing yet. Now NATO is instructing Georgia to open a second front on Russia. Will be interested to see who this idiot Bolt supports re the southern Caucasus tinderbox. Mr Bolt this war is not about Ukraine, and never was. Wake from your slumber old man! Did you ever dare mention the destruction, by the Russians, of Ukrainian bio labs? No you did not. Some kind of nut job you are.

  4. There is nothing wrong with blitzkrieg. It's a common form of warfare that was invented by the Germans
    Americans when they went into Iraq it was shock and awe. Which describes blitzkrieg.

  5. Blitz means fast and krieg means war. It was Monash, Plumber and Currie who invented it in WW1. B.H Liddell Hart wrote about it, it was translated into German and it became part of their doctrine. Hitler liked it because he realized Germany could never fight a long war because Germany doesn't have any oil. And then he invaded the U.S.S.R…..

  6. It's called a Pyrrhic victory. Except all Ukraine's experienced fighters were taken out months ago. Now the commanders were farmers 3 months ago. Its an absolute disaster and a disgrace NATO are sending these men to slaughter. Take anything coming from Kyiv or MSM with a grain of salt anyway. The only real reporting is coming from independents.

  7. God bless Ukraine! May the Miraculous Kursk Root Mother of God icon intercede with the Almighty for the rapid removal of Putin, Lavrov, Shoigu and their minions from power. May they be tried for war crimes. May Ukraine be blessed with a just peace.

  8. Dig a bit deeper Andrew. They have retreated from 1.5% of occupied territory, this is a media beat up to shore up the war. The only way this conflict ends is with a negotiated peace and the USA doesn't want the war to end. It's in US economic interests for Europe to continue to suffer.

  9. Western media and politicians are celebrating the Ukrainian offensive in the region north of Kharkiv. What they fail to mention is the fact the Ukrainian assault is being spearheaded by the neo-Nazi Azov Regiment. Bravo Andrew. Bravo…..

  10. Wow, the Russian bots are going flat out here. There's no way to justify the world's second army not smashing the Ukrainians in a couple of weeks. The truth is that Russia's military is incompetent and nothing more than a paper tiger.


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