Russia Unleashes the Beast with Upgraded T-90M and T-72 Tanks

The announcement of Uralvagonzavod’s delivery of T-90M and T-72 tanks to the Russian military in 2023 might seem inconsequential on the surface. However, buried beneath the official pronouncements lies a fascinating tale of adaptation and a glimpse into the evolving strategies of Russian armored warfare.

In October last year, Uralvagonzavod, the leading tank producer in Russia, officially confirmed the delivery of the scheduled tank consignment to the Russian military for the year. This action was in line with the country’s state plans, but a notable detail emerged in their communication for 2023.
The specialized armored units, T-90M Proryv and T-72B3M, underwent subtle modifications in their composition compared to their 2022 counterparts deployed to the Russian forces. The Russian manufacturing authority did not explicitly clarify the discrepancy between the tank variants distributed in the two consecutive years of ongoing conflict in Ukraine. However, reports suggest that the alterations in this year’s tank makeup could be linked to the evolving circumstances on the battlefield.


44 thoughts on “Russia Unleashes the Beast with Upgraded T-90M and T-72 Tanks”

  1. Anti Drone Capabilities will be the next focus of military R&D and Russia gets to test it en masse on a real battlefield to gather valuable experience. Looks like Russia will have a practical head start in that field of future warfare.

  2. Russian propaganda movies always show guns on a train in the wrong time of the year. This footage is probably from before the war and those tanks are by now no more than a pile of junk at Vughledar or Avdiivka.

  3. They're also learning and adapting, because they simply have to, but if they do not upgrade their tactics and troops and overall equipment, they won't be that much more effective.
    That said, they have A SHITLOAD of people and tanks etc. They can keep going for a looooong time.
    Ukraine simple doesn't have the manpower.
    So they need all the tech they can get to offset that.
    I fear, even with how much they are supported, it should be waaaaay more.

  4. Those are most likely gone by the end of next week, the rate at which Russia is losing tanks is kinda high. But nice video, driving tanks, tanks on railroad, tanks standing around in the middle of nowhere. I guess most of these videos are archive material anyways.

  5. maybe own drones will protect the tank, too. AI could make possible that each tank have it's own flock of protective drones, targeting any enemy incoming threat, neutralizing infantry, offering real time intelligence about the battlefield etc.

  6. I wonder what kind of material they put in their reactive armor panels now, in the beginning of the war there was just rubber in there becaause of corruption. Also these tanks have always had such armor panels.

  7. so ru had all these counterparts already but first they loose more then 300k of their own soldiers. and now these parts enter the battlefield. interesting story. a real fact: ru would have already lost the war without iranian and north korean support, so how can it be?

  8. Affectionately called "Bricks"… 🤔 🤣 Anti Drone Protection Systems?…🤔 😂 I didn't know Umbrellas covered in chicken fence wire was classified as "Anti Drone Protection" 😂 You funny Russians 🤣 When's the Upgrade NERF GUN Terret 🔫 scheduled to be installed again? Early 2099? 🔫 🤣 😂 🤣 🔫

  9. If it's a beast why are there so many images of these tanks rusting in ukraine or where the ammo cooked off and sent the turret flying? Russian bots are fun to watch and read. They post the same thing all the time. Maybe if Russians did their own independant research on the war in ukraine they'll know the truth. ALSO….it's a beast with 4kmh reverse gear which is just sad…..

  10. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 "Russia Unleashes the Beast with Upgraded T-90M and T-72 Tanks". Which now have turrets capable of reaching even higher elevations when cooking off after a Ukraine drone, Javelin or NLAW strike.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    So much so they have added the T-90M and T-72 Tanks to the Russian Air forces itinerary🤣🤣🤣


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