Russia strikes major parts of Ukraine's power system

Russia is targeting Ukraine’s power system as winter approaches. CNN’s Nic Robertson reports. #CNN #News


46 thoughts on “Russia strikes major parts of Ukraine's power system”

  1. The whole world should be ashamed that no one is stopping Russia.!! Helping Ukraine with their weapon needs to defend themselves is good. But, the whole world should do more to be involved against Putin's genocide against Ukraine.
    Putin and Russia propaganda keep inciting unrest in all country's against democracy..!!
    Blaming Democracy for the problems with the world economies. While the truth is the bottom line problem with the economy is Russia, and all fascists endless genocidal wars, and inciting hate propaganda wars. In every continent putin has spread his hate, and incitement of fighting unrest in the country's populations.
    Even in America putin has an influence, through trump and the traitorous fascist republicans. Trying now to take over our elected government.!!
    Just look at our streets and unrest in the American people too.
    The best country in the world for opportunity, could be better too. Without the fighting haters. And the republican traitors in our Government now.
    All the world being influenced by the fascists hate regimes of the country's putin is involved with.
    The common chord here is the fascists hate and murder propaganda that has been spreading around the world..!!
    Putin and his hate influence has brought the world top this place with the genocidal murder of Ukraine.
    Now, the average good person is becoming ok with these murderous actions against Ukraine? Blaming the Ukraine war for all the economy woes. The corona virus and all this fighting with nations is the root causes.
    But the whole world is becoming numb to the horror Putin is causing.!!
    That's how he wins… He saturates the mental state of people, with so much distress they overload and give in.!!
    Putin is doping that to President Zelensky, and Ukrainians now. Putin knows it really hurts President Zelensky that his people are being murdered.. So he does more to distress Zelensky to give up.!! Putin is after all of Ukraine.!! His mentality is if he cant have it he will destroy it.!! And the unrest within the people around the world are starting to say ok, just stop the war.!!!??? Let us get back to our own lives???
    Myself, I cant accept this genocidal attitude that killing Ukrainians or anyone ..
    It is not ok.!!! >>Russia needs to get out of Ukraine and stop all these useless wars.!!

  2. What Russia did to Ukraine is what US is doing to Europe after they destroyed Nordstrem… Difference is Russia is doing there's openly while US did there's underground

  3. Even more fear today for Ukraine. The future of supporting Ukraine is more uncertain because of America's midterms elections.!!!! More and more republicans and GOP members are calling for less support for Ukraine . If they win the house back then Europe is shrewd and this good backfire for the whole economy but also Putin's power will rise . I thought AMERICA WAS OUR ALLIE?????? APPARENTLY NOT !!!!!!!! 😡😡👿🤑🤑🤑🇺🇸

  4. Ukraine 🇺🇦 is getting exactly what y’all been doing to other countries, turning their beautiful country into wreck yard. Look what your did in Lybia, Syria 🇸🇾, Afghanistan 🇦🇫. And see what y’all doing in Congo, one of the richest country in Africa is in today total disaster.
    Exploiting their natural resources while fueling the conflict.

  5. Zelensky is an[[IDIOT!!]] Winter is Their!!! How r Ukranian women and Chikdren going to ((CONSERVE!!!)) Electricity when its COLD DAY AND NIGHT!! How r They going to Get GAS!! AND FOOD!!! BUT BIDEN AND TIS IDIOT WANT TO MAKE THE WORLD THINK!! THEY HAVE THINGS UNDER CONTROL! WAT GOOD DOES IT DO TO SEND THE 101ST AIRBORNE OVER THEIR EXCEPT(To try and TRICK the Wirld into Thinking Biden is Doing Sonething! When hes Really NOT ( right before midterms!!)by Moving Troops Around that ain't going to do NOTHING!! While Women and children SUFFER in Ukraine because Biden and Zelensky Refused to (( Honor the Minsk agreements!!


  7. It is wrong to focus on Russia's drones against Ukraine, a Russia that has been forced to fight this war by the United States and NATO. I believe that the United States and NATO will put more pressure on Putin. It is not drones that fly in the sky , but a tactical nuclear bomb. All of this is fueled by the U.S. behind the scenes. Seeing the evil in the United States makes everyone feel that they have too little understanding of evil and bad. . The world is so messed up by America. One day, the United States will suffer heavy losses and retribution, and they will all come back to the United States itself. It will also pay a heavy price for the crimes it has committed in the world.

  8. Ukraine must be prepared to fall back. Russian forces are too strong, and they have the resources to conquer, they must survive a while longer.

    Take no time to collect your belongings.
    Please, go.

    You cannot survive against a force with its own source of power

    Please, Don’t turn your families, your children, yourselves, as ones who love their land and their possessions, more than each other

    A dragon fights a beast from the sea. And while the dragon may be surprised that it’s creation fights against it. Neither are prepared to stop fighting.

    It is like children who grew up to love one android and one cyborg. One who gained their appreciation of life through the birds in the sky. And the other learned through the friends he traveled with on the sea. Yet because the children were raised to love both characters, when they fight each other, that appreciation of life is forgotten. The children themselves are destroyed, as well as the characters that fought each other. Then know that no matter who is declared a winner in this conflict, nothing survives. Please go.

    But this war leads to exhaustion, so while there is time, please flee.

    But don’t believe your fleeing to another country alone is the source of where to go.

    Again you will travel miles upon miles, and once you reach your final destination. Only a passing thought will cross your mind, because of where your heart is. ‘Wasn’t there a child with me?’

    Jesus has warns plainly. Go to him.

    Again as these things are written. Ukraine receives support now, because it is the more violent voice, claiming truth. But other violent voices will come. On both sides of this conflict, and other nations, kingdoms and people will join this conflict on the same principle. ‘You can’t take that from them’. ‘Our side will receive more wealth from this conflict’

    But war will continue. More loss and scarcity will come. Occupation will return, like that of the holocaust, but worst.

    Who then is willing to survive by fleeing towards the love of Jesus Christ. That has hope without the need to hear it or see it, but trust. With gentleness their needs are met.

    Know this,
    If the supply chains, famines, diseases did not take away possessions; people would be less prone to hate eachother now;
    From George Floyd, to Donald Trump, to Vladimir Putin, to one set of people, to one set of races, to one country from another.

    Then know that no one will survive this conflict, without the choice to let go of possessions.

    Matthew 24

    Again this conflict can be compared to a stunt man. Who uses all science and logic, to attempt a feet more dangerous than many before it. Wherein they say ‘ I have history, a team, and a strong will, I will make this feet. But even the smallest miscalculation will destroy all these justifications, along with the stunt man.

    So when you use all the reasons to go to war, with these same justifications, no that you will also have the slightest miscalculation that will destroy you. Because your possessions are the one thing you hold that will prevent your survival.

    Or what do you expect to see if you go into a WWE fight. Do you say to yourself, this is not a real fight, but my desire for it to be real, will strengthen my resolve. Yet now you crave violence because your love supported a concept of disbelief.

    And what will the studio do in order to strengthen your hope for the disbelief. Are you not accustomed to the camera pointed at two women, who are angry at one another. And you say ‘I hope this is staged so this can go forward. Or you say, ‘I hope this is not staged in order to get more of my desires fulfilled.

    Then know that, all kinds of false promises will be used to justify this war, and those that will come after it. And they will continue to get closer to the truth in order to justify the reason for fighting, to nations. So flee. From these battles and these principles. They do not approach the truth as a friend.

    For when you see these types of fights, the setting is likely placed in a night time setting. But a light brighter than the sun and stars is coming. And again is already here, reaching out to save those who will listen.

    Many are searching for death right now,
    What’s worth living for
    What’s worth dying for.
    Wait a little longer
    Their are many popular beliefs right now

    For Race
    For country
    For history
    For money

    But don’t ask for the fallen mountains to kill you because you’ve lost hope. The ones that say ‘ fight and die for your country’. Those who’ve become beasts. Flee to the ones that haven’t fallen, and when the time comes, you will see plainly what to die for.

    Do not live, for the life you expect to live here after you’ve fled. Many will work expecting to receive the lives they once had. And when these things fail, those will say ‘it would have been better if I had died then.

    But wait a little longer.

    Many are searching for the right way to live.
    ‘For my family, so others must die
    For my country so others must die
    For my pride so I will pressure those who can kill me, because one way or another I will live, and they are dead.’
    But stay awake. Where you flee, let it be a place that will take you in. And do not close your eyes to what you don’t have. And when the time comes, and you’ve worked knowing that much will not return, that your children are at a place without conflict, prepared to give the right messages for all men women and children to hear, including enemies: You will know life, even when others say you are dead. And if violence comes against you and yours. Your lives will not end.
    But Not alll men women and children in a family will accept this. So when violence comes against you because of them, hold on to these words. Because that is the thing worth leaving behind, a chance for them to live where you will go.

    Beware the spirit of the frog. Because it is here, and it is spreading. Forgiveness, mercy, the right definition of love and hate. Many close their eyes ears hearts and soul to these principles.

    The final war is upon the world, which is called Armageddon. Jesus is coming soon, to collect those who are ready.
    Anyone may receive his words freely without cost.

  9. The Russians are trying to bring this thing a closure by targeting infrastructure (after 7 months of restraints) thinking that will force Zelenski back to negotiation, while he is betting on NATO troops officially marching to the front line and winning the war for him.

  10. Jesus Christ loves you so much that He died for your sins and He wants you to repent and accept His free gift. Believe on the name of Jesus Christ and be saved from hell. 🙏🏼

  11. I fight because I fight! I kill because I like it! I steal because I'm used to it! I rape, because otherwise it's not shit! And all this is called "the liberation of the fraternal Ukrainian people from the Nazi occupation", because it is schizophrenia. And war with NATO, because paranoia. And it is necessary to kill civilians and destroy the infrastructure, because the Americans bombed Dresden and Nagasaki! Otherwise, no way!

  12. Siemens has a proven 3 semi-truck power system that would be perfect as it can be set up in 3 days. Getting Siemens to actually provide that system gratis is highly unlikely though.

  13. Russia:

    5:1 kill ratio over the Ukro-Nazis
    Recently annexed four territories
    Economy at pre-war levels w/Ruble higher
    Higher than ever domestic approval ratings
    More and tighter relations with over 2/3 of the planet

    …But don't worry, "Ukraine is winning!", LOL!!!

  14. Return the favor directly to the Kremlin. —
    Ukraine forces, with any necessary support from NATO, need to move on military specific targets within Russia beginning NOW. Russia has the freedom to attack any target within Ukraine and Ukraine should enjoy the same war-time liberties as Russia. It is ridiculous to think otherwise. This is a war that Russia started, and Russia will have to be prepared to pay the price if it loses.
    All of NATO needs to be prepared to do what it takes to bring this war to a sensible close as soon as possible.

  15. The next step the Russsians should do is to destroy hypermarket airports n railway lines
    Since Ukraine ports have been blocked the Russians should halt the movement of military supplies by the Ukrainians


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