RUSSIA PANIC: US Test Most Dangerous NUCLEAR Bomb

The recent Russian invasion of Ukraine has shown the need for modern smart munitions that can strike with precision and avoid collateral damage. Contrary to the Russian Aerospace Forces, which seems to lack such precision strike capabilities, the U.S. military has plenty of smart bombs, and the Stormbreaker is one of them. During a war, bad weather and other physical obstructions in the battlefield are the biggest hindrances in fighter jets and bombers hitting the enemy, but with the Stormbreaker bomb, the U.S. military will have the capability to easily target their opponents. In this video we are going to take a closer look at the Smart bomb and what it is capable of.


8 thoughts on “RUSSIA PANIC: US Test Most Dangerous NUCLEAR Bomb”

  1. We all know about the storm breaker, I'm not sure why you bated us with new info about the deployment of the weapon then spend almost the entire video giving us a 101 about the bomb..


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