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Information: Brad/Full Spectrum Survival is not a doctor, medical professional, investor, or lawyer. Each of the statements made by Brad, Kelley, their guests and/or this channel are opinions of events only and not instructions or advice. NO information on this site should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition or give legal or investment advice. Brad, Kelley, and Full Spectrum Survival thanks each one of our Patreon members for making our outreach possible. We often work with outreaches and organizations to share information, both positive and negative, about items that fit within the genre of our community. Videos and information, text and website driven, may include the sponsorship of our Patreon members who request reviews of specific items and the discussion of topics or outreaches and organizations. At no time do we ever sway our judgement for an item or topic based on these requests. Integrity and our community are the first and utmost priority for our entire team and family. We thank you for being here with us and being a part of this amazing community.



  1. What makes a dead beat country is when it is the world's largest borrowing nation and the world's largest nation in Debt But the United States still refers to itself as the world's richest country.😂😂😂😂😂

  2. And the United States still has the nerve and the audacity to start war with other countries when they no longer want to use the US dollar as. Their currency and why should another country be forced to use another country's currency rather than? Their own that Is backed by gold an silver

  3. The USA needs to get out. Back when Russia invaded Georgia we didn't get involved and the entire event was over in around a week. The people in Georgia got back to normal. Guess what Russia isn't going to quit. We are wasting billions upon billions for no results that help the USA.

  4. FIRE KIT- Small BIC lighters in pill bottles. Keeps button you depress for the gas from being engaged.
    Zip ties under the lip of the button is to much of a pain to remove. thanks Brad and Kelly

  5. As resources run dry, and populations rise with corruption, inequity, and climate change, controls need to be implemented, asap, unless you prefer more freedom run amuck.

  6. Peace 😘 love 😍 light 😎 joy 😄 and gratitude 😇. Thank you very much Brad & Kelly for
    Your 😍 awesome 😍 vidéos ! Let's go Brad & Kelly ! Let's go team Brad & Kelly ! God
    Bless you Brad your wife your children your family jour loved ones forever ! 😇 have
    A wonderful very blessed safe life weeks Brad with your wife & family ! God bless your
    Channel vidéos audience very very much more forever ! 😇 Brad, Kelly has well chosen
    Your shirt today, it suits to you very well ! It would be pretty on beautiful Kelly too !
    I love this color ! I used to draw fashion sketches and machines, portraits as an artist. 😘🤔
    God bless you all your helpers supporters watchers forever ! 😇 have a wonderful very
    Blessed safe life weeks everyone ! Be safe everyone ! Peace 😘 love 😍 light 😎 joy 😄
    And gratitude 😇.

  7. ….leading corporations and …” the chief of these all met at Davos. Mr Putin and allies are going to align against World Economic Forum and their cultist programmes

  8. We use rolls of paper towels for my daughter's medical needs instead of kitchen dish towels, since they can Harbor germs that would be harmful for her. To monitor how much we use, when I start a new roll of paper towels, iwrite what day of the week and what hour of the day we started on the inside of the cardboard roll. Then when I put on a new roll I can see if it took two-and-a-half days, three days, or four days. I do the same thing with toilet paper rolls. That's a great way to monitor how much you use!

  9. I keep all my portable fire kits dry using desiccant packs inside zip lock bags. Usually you can find them for free in pretty much everything you buy: inside new shoe boxes, vitamin bottles, taped to the inside of boxes of appliances etc. Save them and reuse them.

  10. The Russian (shark) Putin is chewing up a country of freedom while we watch ! Are we a part of this freedom ?
    Or are we going to put a stop to this bully ? It's like watching your family be killed one by one. I don't understand the reason for this .

  11. NATO and the US, along with their non-NATO friends ARE trying to destroy Russia. And Russia has every right to defend itself. We (the US) started this mess! Anyone who argues that, has not paid attention.

  12. America, has some nerve. They threaten South Africa, making up stories about us sending weapons to Russia. Weapons that we do not have, or are not even able to manufacture. Then they tell Zimbabwe that they can't go back to the gold standard. Do you know that Zimbabweans are eating rats to survive, but America tells them not to improve their situation!! America is a hateful bully and deserves to loose the world reserve currency.
    It must really be nice in the bubble Americans live.

  13. I've had $0 in my savings account for a few years now. My savings account is food. I have a grocery store in my basement. I have 6 people in my house 2 adults and 4 teenagers. It costs us now $1,000 a month in food. That's 50% more in cost than 2 years ago

  14. For of darkness feeling a very good vibration coming from heart center meaning for of the terrorists powers are weakening we the people have the elites right were we want them hold your mind in alignment with the cause y3 ty spirit brother my beautiful spirit sister everyone as we shift in water consciousness for darker of Jesus Christ approved 🌱🌳❤3love

  15. First off love this site, nice work. Been prepping for about five years now. Every bit of news I hear I think of a way I can combat it. From that try to get supplies to do better in that situation. My family thinks I'm crazy for doing it but I don't care. Running out of room to store stuff. Feel my family and myself have enough for about a year. There is so much more I think of getting. But if you have to move how much stuff can you actually take. Be safe for you and your family, God bless.


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