Russia deploys nuclear submarines into Pacific Ocean in surprise readiness check

Russia has said that it has deployed nuclear submarines to the Pacific Ocean as part of a surprise readiness check ordered by the president, Newsflash Media reports.

The Russian ministry of defence released a statement alongside images of the submarines on Tuesday, which claimed: β€œStrategic and multi-purpose nuclear submarines deployed in the Pacific Ocean as part of a sudden check of the combat readiness of the Pacific Fleet forces.”

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25 thoughts on “Russia deploys nuclear submarines into Pacific Ocean in surprise readiness check”

  1. these are deployed all the time. the difference is that they make it public purposefully to show strength. instead of making clickbait headlines and aiding the original intent news sources should make it clear that these are part of the nuclear trident of all nuclear armed nations and are ready to strike into foreign territory at all times.

  2. Weak minded humanity always showing superiority when they have nothing πŸ˜‚ such sad things of these so called world leaders ignorant weak pathetic people πŸ˜‚ and minions go along with it

  3. Awww bless em…are they looking for the moskva .????then again its all a scam its under water on a deep see operation they never told us about its deep sea capabilities πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Russians will make there own stamp next when it returns to the surface πŸ’―πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  4. Russia has already deployed nukes to destroy major nato cities
    Nyc chicago los angeles washington dc London Berlin frankfurt Paris Rome Milan
    Hundreds of millions of nato goons will take a ride to hell within no time

  5. Why just why send
    their men out to get
    killed and many
    more o. No respect
    for thei mom's who
    gave birth to them
    not to send them
    to war All for the
    sake of Land .
    Lord please let there
    be a solution to end
    this cold blooded
    war .

  6. Nuclear Submarine, just Means it has a Nuclear Reactor to power to the submarine engine instead of Diesel Engine. Nuclear Submarines can powered by the reactor Fuel for over 25years. Diesel Engines are too loud under water this is why they use a Nuclear Reactor to power the Engine and All Major Parts on the Sub. It's no different to a Nuclear power station.


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