Russia carries out live fire "exercise" in Black Sea after warning to Ukraine

The Russian navy has carried out what Moscow described as a live fire exercise in the northwest of the Black Sea amid an escalating crisis in the waterway.

Russia’s Black Sea Fleet “carried out live firing of anti-ship cruise missiles at the target ship in the combat training range in the northwestern part of the Black Sea”, the defence ministry said in a statement posted on Telegram.

“The target ship was destroyed as a result of a missile strike,” it added.

The “exercise” came amid a dispute over grain shipments in which both Russia and Ukraine have warned they could strike cargo ships.

“Also during the joint exercise, the ships and fleet aviation worked out actions to isolate the area temporarily closed to navigation, and also carried out a set of measures to detain the offending ship,” Moscow’s statement added.

Ukraine warned yesterday that it could target any ships sailing to Russian-controlled ports in a tit-for-tat warning following Moscow’s declaration of a naval blockade.

Starting today both Kyiv and Moscow will consider all ships travelling toward ports controlled by their enemy as carriers of military equipment.

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43 thoughts on “Russia carries out live fire "exercise" in Black Sea after warning to Ukraine”

  1. Since when is targeting shipping that sustains a number of country's civilian population a legitimate target? Is Russia trying to strangle the rest of the world? How many more enemies does it need?

  2. They think they can brow beat us into submission. With all this gesticulation and bravado. Certainly not Kowtowing the British,Finns,Norwegians,Polish,Estonians etc etc

    Its becoming quite pathetic. The sooner EU/NATO pull finger out and do something worthwhile the better.

  3. It’s time for NATO, probably via the US, to fly F35s to give air cover to NATO Turkish warships acting as escorts for Ukrainian food ships. The F35s should be fighters, with others armed with Harpoon missiles or anti-sub torpedoes. Threats can go both ways.

  4. Sigh, my patience is wearing extremely thin with ukraine .

    I would therefore fully support Russia 🇷🇺 taking further action against ukraine with the use of Nuclear Strikes should they decide to use them now

    So far the intervention has been relatively smooth, however if Zelensky continues to stall then future plans and arrangements could be severely delayed.

    Why listen to me? I am a Business Owner and Entrepreneur (check my bio)

    I have a Masters Degree in Political Science and Economics from Exeter University and I have also worked in conjunction with the U.N so I speak with experience and knowledge regarding this subject

    People who have tried debating me regarding this issue have inevitably lost and switched their support and now agree with me

  5. Hahaha Russia trying to intimidate others. Sorry lah. Cannot even save n protect your flagship moskva yet trying to play villian. Dont cry putin when your other moskva sink to bottom. Ukraine waiting because u were hiding your ships. GLORY TO UKRAINE.

  6. "unnamed" – well intelligence services will have to work on that wont they, give him a name and know that he personally will be held responsible should any ships, civilian or otherwise be targeted in the black sea – they have no territorial right to dictate who travels in the black sea, its not Russia's waters. END OF.

  7. History will repeat itself, and thus, Russia will collapse like every 40 years. After all, Russians will get down on their knees begging western world for economical aid as usual

  8. Crimea is the Russian Navy's only good winter access to the Atlantic. Has been theirs since the English ruled the American colonies, and they are not about to give it up. These leftist-educated fools in the west need to give up their goals of ruling the world and manipulating other countries to suit their own ideas.


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