Russia captures Ukrainian soldiers while heading towards Ugledar, they thirsty and hungry

Russian forces from Kaskad Brigade of DPR and the 155th Brigade of Pacific Fleet captured Ukrainian soldiers as they advanced towards Ugledar from Pavlovka sector, which had been liberated. Capture of prisoners in the outskirts of Pavlovka fort while crossing Kashlagach River to develop an attack on Ugledar, Donetsk front.


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43 thoughts on “Russia captures Ukrainian soldiers while heading towards Ugledar, they thirsty and hungry”

  1. More they would all be heroes, if they all surrendered. They would have saved their country, their lives and the rest of honor ( if they remember, what it is). The sooner they notice, what they really fight for and lose their lives, the better. Thank You, Greetings.

  2. Russia could easily kill all of them. But they won't die now neither from Russian artillery bombs or bullets 🤔 . Yet the US and the rest would want you to believe Russia 🇷🇺 is not in control. Headless Horsemen Biden, Zelensky and the band of robbers. Ukraine is bleeding out and there won't be any more bandages.

  3. Those captured Ukraine soldiers should thank their lucky star they faced compassionate and kind Russian soldiers.. this sort of treatment is alien to the Nazi influenced army. God bless Russia and damn the Western rogues.

  4. There is no capture here, but TikTok fighters captured their dream. Look at those captured "Ukrainians" and you will see that they are not afraid. Nice try ;)they are not Ukrainian uniforms nor do they have Ukrainian insignia, you can see from the plane that it was rigged

  5. Just hope Russia 🪆 finishes zelensky fast cuz Nazi Ukraine is not treating the Russians the same that ands it's 🤬 angering. Long live Russia 🇷🇺🇲🇽

  6. Mainstream media will never show or tell us these stories. Full respect & support from australia for Russia's Military Operation & all Russian Forces! 🇷🇺👊🇷🇺✌️🇷🇺💪🇷🇺👍

  7. The Russians are that considerate they bomb civilians and are trying to knock out electric and gas heating infrastructure to freeze The Ukrainians into submission

  8. – it's best that the Ukrainian solders surrender so they can get food and medical attention., Plus if their own people don't bomb the prisoner camps, they'll probably see their families again.


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