Rurikhan's Thoughts on Amazon's New World MMO (Closed Beta)

Rurikhan’s Thoughts on Amazon’s New World MMO (Closed Beta)

#NewWorld #NewWorldMMO #Amazon



17 thoughts on “Rurikhan's Thoughts on Amazon's New World MMO (Closed Beta)”

  1. Personally I don't find realistic MMO's that appealing. As much hate Blizzard gets their art team are spot on for what a fantasy game should look like.
    If anyone ever made an MMO that had WoW graphics and OSRS open skilling then I would be all over that.

  2. I noped out of this game during character creation. It was very limited but at least you can make a bearded woman and choose your pronouns. That really showed where their priorities were.

    oh and not to mention that nightmare of a Text to Speech chat option.

    Also this feels like a flavor of the month game. People are gonna drop it once the next hyped up, pretty game comes out.

  3. The teleport system reminds me of the Anima stuff back in FFXIV 1.0 – which was already really bad but at least they didn't sell anima on the in-game store

  4. For me too many negatives. P2win shop incoming soon (i bet), boring repetitive fighting, character optimisation bare bones and uninspired, don't like the enemies look and uninspired quest system. Looks worse than many f2play mmos from all perspectives, while charging full price. Only positive is the world grafics. A clear pass for me. Played many mmos past years (guild wars 1+2, Aion, Tera, Blade and Soul, Teso) and they all had more appealing stuff than New World. There's gonna be 5 new mmos by mid next year I'd rather try. But mmos are very time consuming so maybe not for me anymore.

  5. I played it for about 20 hours even if i didn't like it. If I get a beta key I'm always going to be invested enought to give a proper feedback/verdict, that's just how i am. I sort of felt it was like a lower fantasy budget ESO with a higher emphasis on World PvP. However in my opinion ESO do both PvP and PvE better. I found the crafting very bad(over simplified), however the gathering felt great, The leveling is rather quick, but horribly executed.

    Town sieges suffer from a max player cap, if too many from one faction attacks a settlement people will get teleported away from combat which kinda made it feel really "meh" since joining a siege with your faction are meant to be fun and chaotic not frustrating when half the group can enter and the other half came too late to participate. Makes it easier for a underdog faction to defend however… which usually is a trouble in any MMO with PvP elements. What I'm worried about is if one faction become overly dominant on a server, because it will be impossible to take areas once lost. But I digress…

    I'll probably try it when It gets released, but i doubt I'll play it alot.

  6. Lol, what if you were to discover, Ruri, that customers are actually loving their microtransactions (not I, mind you!)? They want something to spend their money on–they're desperate. Remember what the Blizzard leak revealed? The Blizzard shop is doing great apparently. Just saying. The kiddies like their microtransactions; love it even.

  7. This game looks like a p2w scam game.

    They'll charge box price and wont make enough money, implement shady monetization tactics then go free to play and be dead in a year.

    Dont waste your time or money on this scam

  8. I can already see the progressive injection of P2W mechanics into the cash shop a couple of months after release, after the "stellar" reviews are done. I wouldn't trust amazon with hanging up a painting.


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