Rule Britannia: 'the glue which binds us together' | Mark Dolan defends patriotism

Mark Dolan emphasises the need for patriotism to unite the nation following a musician speaking out against the song Rule Britannia.

#rulebritannia #patriotism #diversity #britain

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36 thoughts on “Rule Britannia: 'the glue which binds us together' | Mark Dolan defends patriotism”

  1. Weve all been slaves no matter colour . We are still all slaves under a corporate dictatorship. We have our governments cotailing to unelected beurocrats . We need to unite and get things run by the people for the people

  2. If you don’t like Britain or the British way and you want to change it just leave the world is a big place. Hopefully you’ll find somewhere you can call Home. But it sounds like Britain is just not the place for you

  3. And millions of British people are offended by his absolute ignorance of what a song like that means to its country.

    Maybe he should stay away from Britain if he gets so offended by something British, what a horrible person he is, does he think he's someone now because he plays the Cello, well mate, you're not.

  4. These people are trying to stop everything that us British are proud of and everything about Britain. This is Britain and who the hell doe's he think he is??We are told we cannot be patriotic. But imagine going to another country telling them to stop their ways and culture.

  5. It was originally written to celebrate the fact that the Royal Navy was finally big enough, and strong enough to guard the British people from the Barbary Pirates who had been enslaving British people for centuries before it.

  6. I am sick of people trying to erase British culture. Everyone should be able to celebrate and enjoy their own heritage and culture and if outsiders don’t like it, that’s their problem. Can we please stop pandering to these hyper sensitive crybabies.

  7. Rule Britannia is an anti-slavery anthem.
    First Britain fought to protect Britons from being enslaved, then extended the fight to oppose slavery in other countries. The lyric celebrates the start of anti-slavery consciousness.
    Presumably those who object to the song are in favour of slavery.

  8. Rule Britannia, a song about the formation of the Royal Navy, formed to stop the Barbary pirates raiding our coast for slaves, hence 'Britains never never never shall be slaves'! The Barbary pirates by the way where African and Arab slavers.

  9. Yes indeed to all of this. We have too many disparate immigrants who have no connexion with the country at all and nationhood in the UK is regarded as a bizarre concept. Our education at all levels is up the creek so those young people who leave have no real idea of our history. Time for a change.

  10. Its not really appropriate because GB doesn't rule anything . They don't even have any aircraft on the aircraft carrier and two of their 3 landmine hunters, bumped into each other like a dads army sketch and are now out of action. The UK is a nonentity. There's nothing left to hold onto for the gammon but flags and old songs and , of course pints of wine, which no sane company is going to bother producing. Every time it rains it floods, every time it snows there's a huge pathetic panic and the schools close and every time its windy there no electricity. The houses are full of mould, the school roofs are made of crumbling concrete, the houses are unaffordable and all the young are living with their parents. They are dropping all the environmental standards ( which the Tories said would be improved after they got their daft Brexit lie over the line). They are dumping billions of tonnes of raw sewage into their rivers so all the fish are dying. During the pandemic the government refused to give food to hungry children but gave hundreds of millions of pounds to their mates in PPE contracts. The have had about 12 prime ministers in 5 years who were all absolute muppets including the sexually incontinent Johnson. There's almost nowhere in the UK where you can breath acceptable air. People with jobs cant afford to eat so there's thousands of food banks now. There are security tags on the cheese in the supermarkets, even though its the cheapest cheese in Europe. You have to queue for about 18 hours to get on the ferry at Dover to go on a holiday. But look over there – someone doesn't like our song!

  11. I don't know why this young man is getting this much coverage. He doesn't have to play it. People show their ignorance when they say things like he had it shows they don't understand the words and their meaning. When it comes to slavery there were slave owners who were black


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