Ruining a Magic Designer's Day with Goblin Questions | Feat. Gavin Verhey

@Good Morning Magic has yet to infiltrate THIS video:

-Lil’ update for anyone looking down here-
Hello all! Been a hectic few weeks, but things are coming together (thanks to your support) and I’m so excited to see what this year brings! To get a wee sneak preview, head over to my patreon and see what goals we passed (hint: before the Moneey video, I had yet to hit the Lorwyn/Tarkir goal!). My next few videos are planned, if not in production, and I have some fun ideas of how I’m gonna change up the patreon in the coming year as well. Blessed day to you all, Spice x

Spice8Rack,Good Morning Magic,Magic the Gathering,MTG Lore,MTG Story,Magic the Gathering Goblins,MTG Goblins,Goblin Cards,Goblin Deck,Goblin Quiz,Gavin Verhey,Tolarian Community College,Game Knights, You’ll be invited on the quiz when you find the keys to the card boot Timmy and do hurry i don’t know how much air Marcus has left,Rhystic Studies


33 thoughts on “Ruining a Magic Designer's Day with Goblin Questions | Feat. Gavin Verhey”

  1. My parents used to work for Wizards, and my mom told me about the thing with Mons. She told me that one of the guys had made friends with Mons and was like "yeah that's a cool guy," but didn't have any contact info, so he named the goblin raiders after Mons (famous for loving goblins) and hoped he'd get in touch, and he did, and now he works at Wizards. It was neat.

  2. I'm starting to realize that the Phyrexians are a metaphor for soulless capitalism. We are infected and our buying of cards the manifestation of neo Phyrexia in us.


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