RTGame Streams: Rhythm Heaven Megamix [1]

This video was streamed by RTGame, originally titled “I have no sense of rhythm”, and was broadcasted at January 31th 2023 …


28 thoughts on “RTGame Streams: Rhythm Heaven Megamix [1]”

  1. I think it's weird that this version has a touchscreen but changed the mechanics of the tap/swipe levels from Fever. Monkey Fan Club is a lot easier with the swiping up at the long hold imo

  2. On the subject of Rhythm Heaven being “dead”, there’s a demo for a game called “Bits and Bops”, which is a very Rhythm-Heaven-inspired game. As of typing this it’s not out yet, but what’s there is already super incredibly charming and cute (and fingers crossed that the full game isn’t terrible!), and I’d definitely say it’s worth the 10-15 minutes to check out.

    There’s also another rhythm game called “Melatonin” that some people bring up, but that one doesn’t feel like it’s trying to be anywhere close to a Rhythm Heaven style game (and personally speaking I think it’s only really “okay” as far as a rhythm game goes and strange in other aspects but details).

  3. I was at a really Not Great period of my life when he played Rhythm Heaven Fever (oh sorry- Beat the Beat Rhythm Paradise) and honestly both the highlights video and the full VOD were and still are huge comforts to me. I love this so much almost purely BECAUSE I'm a musician and Rhythm is just Part of Me at this point haha
    the second I got the stream notification I Had to send it to my friend bc we both Love the first video and honestly. I'm so happy to be back cringing at Dan's less than Stellar Rhythm XD

  4. In a lot of these the rhythm doesn't quite match the rhythm of the music and some of the audio cues are completely out of sync which is driving me crazy 😬 I like to think I have a good sense of rhythm but some of these are downright infuriating. Well done Dan! 👍

  5. ohhh i played along with some of the same minigames on wii but with the 3ds ver so now i just get to play along!! it’s also very interesting to me watching these cause i learned a little bit of music and dance as a kid so i know how to count beats even if the music isn’t there, but since it is a learned skill i guess rt just doesn’t have it (see: him struggling in coin flip and saying the music stopped) so i think that’s just neat. also it’s funny to see him struggle sorry rumbly tumbly love ya bud

  6. It's sort of hilarious to me that dan is so bad at that coin flip game just because he couldn't figure out the right method. He even started counting with the " 1, 2, 1, 2" and so on, between him and his victory stands only the realization that he could just as well count to 4, you know, counting the beats


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