Royal Marriages, Lenin & Making Karl Marx Emperor! (V3 Dev Diary 83)

Let’s talk about these dev diaries and the future of Victoria 3!
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Paradox Development Studio invites you to build your ideal society in the tumult of the exciting and transformative 19th century. Balance the competing interests in your society and earn your place in the sun in Victoria 3, one of the most anticipated games in Paradox’s history.



36 thoughts on “Royal Marriages, Lenin & Making Karl Marx Emperor! (V3 Dev Diary 83)”

  1. Giuseppe Mazzini was a very important political figure in the risorgimento period. He founded a secret society and its aim was to unify italy at the cost of the members life if necessary. The "Giovane Italia" group was one of the most radical organization of its kind and inspired many to rally to the italian unification cause. Here in Italy he is considered one of the fathers of the unified italy even though he didn't get along with the king and the piedmontese establishment because he was a republican. After the unification he even tried to rebel and form a republic but was stopped and imprisoned. Still we have monuments and streets in italian cities dedicated to him

  2. My question is, however, will the DLC include also Reactionary/Counterrevolutionary Agitators? They seem to be geared toward a very… unidirectional movement toward the progressive left. What about the right? Will have been Black Hundred Agitators in Russia? Or Monarchist Agitators in Third Republic conservative France? It's not because a government they like is in power that they cannot push for more… extreme policies in that direction.

  3. Engels actually was nicknamed "The General" because he studied military theory and took part in the Baden uprising in 1849. If they didn't add him to the game, I hope a mod will do that so I can make him an actual general.

  4. The problem of not being able to build on features added to a DLC can be solved by something Paradox refuses to do.

    Rolling old DLC's into the base game.

    Look at EU4. They're still trying to sell DLC's from 8 years ago. At some point, they need to just add those old DLC's to the base game.

  5. I think the soft cap on agitators is harsh. It would be nice if you could spawn a ‘centre for agitators’, a place where foreign agitators can gather and can boost your prestige in exchange for a slight unrest penalty (nowhere near as much as if they were in their home countries) as then you could recreate the exile centres of Vienna, Geneva, New York and London.

  6. I don't like how in the new journal for France, you are allowed to sway people to an ideology you don't have in your government yet (Bonapartism in the example they showed in the Twitch stream). The entire game it is assumed you mostly control either your government and your ruler or "the spirit of the nation", but who is in control if you sway these characters? Not the King, he is obviously an Orléanist. Not the government, because nobody had Bonapartism as an ideology yet. Not "the spirit of the nation" or "the people", because the opposition is getting mad all of the sudden because you swayed that character. I would be disappointed if "the player" is "the deep state" in Victoria 3, I think that would be a bit lazy.

    Very curious about the next dev diary.

  7. Wouldn't it be awesome if your neighbor gets rid of their monarch you could grant him asylum and then have a war goal against your neighbor to reinstall said monarch?

  8. 14:50 The part about agitators being an accepted culture is really odd to me. For example, Frederick Douglass was African American and therefore a discriminated culture during the time he agitated for abolitionism. I do think some limit to the cultures of agitators is alright, but this doesn't seem like the right way to implement that.

  9. Even though the dynastic element is really thin it’s still I think a big and important step in the right direction and shows they’re thinking about and 22:50 how to implement such a system and that they are aware of the potential it has

  10. When Victor Hugo went into exile to the Channel Islands, he not only brought his family, but also his mistress. Imagine being Victor's wife, stuck on a tiny island because of your husband's ill-advised actions, running into his side piece every other week, because she's one of like five people on the island.

  11. I like this in theory – but I'm not sure I like how character driven this appraoch. It seems to be further affirming the supremacy of characters over pops as the primary agents of politics, which I don't think is how a victoria game should be.

  12. I like the idea that say, I might be a Presidental Republic Oligarchy with Landed Voting only… and kick out a Moderate in order to get a Radical that has some property I want (like Feminist)… only to see maybe that Moderate becoming a Radical who opposes the Presidential Republic Oligarchy with a Theocratic state or something. Who then might be sent back to my nation by an enemy to try to wreck me and the reforms I caused.

    I could see that as an interesting story set up. Not sure if it'd actually WORK that way of course… but I do like the idea of it and the potential back and forth of kicking out a moderate only to see them come back as a hard liner for something quite opposite of what I had been trying to set up.

  13. I love that you can exile most characters now because I can finally scare off the traditionalist trade union leader and increase the amount of radical trade unionists at the same time!

  14. In the recent dev playthrough video, they mentioned that agitators cannot return to their home country they have been exiled from after their own ideological revolution has been successful, which is ridiculous.

  15. They really need to introduce the role of prime minister. Constitutional monarchies in the game don't have enough flavour or realism when it just looks like the monarch is in charge. We need heads of government alongside heads of state.

  16. Off topic (but still Vicky3).

    An mod I've thought up while watching Vicky3 let's plays:
    The queue sorting mod

    All the finagling with the construction queue makes me think of a couple of buttons I want:
    1. Intersperse buildings: in the production queue shuffle all the building types so that they get as evenly mixed as possible i.e. if you've got a railroad, a government administrations, and a factory in every province in the queue it'd sort them so that it's RR, GA, F RR, GA, F, RR, GA, F, etc etc (without caring about provinces probably).
    2. intersperse provinces: if you've got every possible port in the queue it'd mix them up so there's one for every province and only after that there's the second one for every province, etc.
    3. a button that does the combined thing: in the example in point 1 it'd go for making sure every province gets something before province A gets the second thing in the queue for that province, while also spreading out every kind of building in the queue evenly throughout the queue.
    4? a button to put every item of one kind to the top or the bottom of the queue.
    5? a button to put every item in a province to the top or the bottom of the queue.

    Might be good in large empires (like China) that are doing full steam industrialisation.


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