ROW 154 Title? Do We Really Need a Title????



Knotty Fund

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Half and Half:

Leslie’s favorite yarn

Sweater Leslie is almost done with

Cowl Leslie Finished: Bandit Cowl using

Sweater Leslie finished and is wearing: Calliope by

Our NEST necklaces



And I’m SOOOO sorry for my screw up!

YARN – Kelly Lockwood
BASKET- Laced in Stitches
Knotty DPN holder- Joan Bell

The tutorials I used for my circle blanket- although my circles are PUFF stitch


38 thoughts on “ROW 154 Title? Do We Really Need a Title????”

  1. Hai. Is it Mongolian cashmere? My boyfriend's parents worked for the World Bank, & they would do business/ travel to various countries, including Mongolia. His mom got my boyfriend Mongolian cashmere products i.e. blankets & sweaters. Maybe there's different quality cashmere depending on where you get it

  2. Great episode. Glad you had a nice trip. On the subject of dog DNA we had our rescue dog’s done. What a surprise- When we got our pup they said his mom was lab/boxer and he would be about 65 lbs. He kept getting bigger and we took bets on what the dad might be. Our guesses ran along the lines of Great Dane, Mastiff, Ridge Back, and Kerr. As you can see by our guesses we have a very large dog on our hands. Well the DNA came back and none of those are in him (and they estimated him to be 80lbs) He of course has lab/boxer but American bull terrier, golden retriever, and a few others but our favorite was he’s 3% chihuahua. So I tell people he’s chihuahua mix who just happens to be 106 lbs.😂😂😂

  3. Don't throw away the cardigan. One if the other comments was correct. You are trying to unravel from the wrong end. Such pretty yarn. Also, when I used to crochet we made a square from plywood a bit bigger than the desired size of the granny square. We then nailed finishing nails in the corners. Once the block was done we put it on the square with the nails thru the corner holes. This straightened up the square so all sesms
    Match. Thank yall.

  4. The shaving cream is good stuff! There is also an after oil spray that helps prevent ingrown hair & chafing. It is definitely a good buy. Love the linen quill colors, I laughed when Leslie said it would be a good half and half 😂

  5. Please don’t throw away that sweater! I’d be happy to pay shipping if you want to send it to me! I have loads of experience undoing crochet after 35 years of being a crocheter. I love watching you guys chat. The ruffle butt diaper covers were one of my favorite parts of when my two girls were babies. Thanks for another great episode!

  6. The crocheted cardithing has given us all so much joy, but I suggest it’s time has passed. 😂Doggo rug, I reckon. You’d want to love that yarn a whole lot to bother fiddling about unravelling.

  7. I know I'm not the first to say it, but I would happily pay shipping for that! That would become the join squares for my two- round granny squares. 😉 As far as your circles blanket, you sounded like you were happy with it until you talked about it, so I say lay it out and take a picture of what you have. You may be able to get a better feel of it by taking the step back. And honestly, unless you make two strips of plain squares down the middle, it's not a true checkerboard anyway… 😂 Really though, if you like seeing the braided join, keep it as it is.

  8. Michelle you could add a third color maybe a gray and then it wouldnt look like checkerboard. You also could use the piece you have put together and make a pillow if your are not sure. I think whatever you do it will look great.

  9. Why is any woman still shaving their legs? Epilate them. You only have to epilate every few weeks and you never have rough whiskers. It’s not painful especially if you can withstand a tattoo.

  10. I like the black and white Michelle! Leslie take the left overs of the blue yarn and make a tassel and put it on the tip of your cowl. Pretty earrings and necklaces. I use hair conditioner when I shave my legs. Less expensive than shaving cream and works just as well. Love your tat, very pretty! I am grateful my children are out of school. I would have stay home and home school if they were still young. My oldest Boston is fixed and the youngest will be fixed just as soon as she hits six months. I do not want puppies. Thanks for sharing with us ladies, have a great week!

  11. The black and white alternating looks great and I’d vote to continue. Then if you want more of one of the colors at the end, put a few rows border around the whole thing when done, or alternate the colors by rows.

  12. Oh my goodness, you guys made my week!!! I'm so excited to win the yellow basket, it is adorable!! Thank you so very much! 🥰💛
    And Michelle please don't toss the crochet cardigan, send it to me and I'll save the yarn lol. It's too pretty!!! If you can find the end you finished with that is how it is easily unraveled, if you're pulling where you started you will never get it undone.
    And Leslie, your sweater you are wearing is gorgeous! I absolutely love how it turned out! 💖

  13. I want to knit socks SO bad, but after watching numerous videos I keep ending up with laddering and just can't seem to get it. I even took a sock class about four years ago, but it was terrible. There were three of us and the teacher seemed distracted … then about an hour in people came in for an overlapping crochet class and then we pretty much lost her attention. That yarn shop ended up closing down about a year later. I still have the pattern she gave us but I just can't get it. All of this to say I want to learn how to make them SO bad! lol Your socks are always so cute … especially the scrappy ones you make. I LOVE them. Do you have any recommendation for tutorials for easy vanilla socks? That is my question for the next Q and A. lol

    On a positive note I made a crocheted corner to corner fingering yarn blanket after watching the video you guys recommended and it turned out SOOO good. I absolutely love it and am already pondering another one. And don't give up on your crocheted garment it is so beautiful!!!!

  14. I think the circle blanket looks great with the black and white alternating. They help the colors all pop and you can put each color with whichever background would suite them best. I say keep going just how you're doing it!!


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