Ronan O'Gara responds to James Tracy's comment on La Rochelle 'pushing the boundaries'

La Rochelle head coach Ronan Oโ€™Gara joins Adrian & Shane on #OTBAM as his side continue their preparations for the Heineken Champions Cup final against Leinster at the Aviva Stadium next weekend.

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48 thoughts on “Ronan O'Gara responds to James Tracy's comment on La Rochelle 'pushing the boundaries'”

  1. Hope James doesn't come on the show again and gives the middle finger to OTB. No need to try and create drama & controversy like this. James has a great eye for the game & is really easy to listen to & they stitched him up here. It was cringe worthhy. Adrian has a history of doing this – he done it last year aswell about what Matt Williams said about La Rochelle after the final, probably cussed Matt & ROG to fall out. Lazy, boring journalism

  2. Love James Tracy's analysis, but he works in media. His comments (made whilst on the clock for OTB) are absolutely allowed to be replayed by the company.

    Sure, it's a bit US talk sport radio, but beats listening to Quinny drone on for 30 minutes.

  3. Iโ€™ve reached 7m20s. And yere going back for a third bite of the cherry. ROG has answered the question twice now. But it looks like youโ€™re going to push even further – irritating the listener and the interviewee. As well as throwing Tracey under the bus in order to achieve this. Really tough watch.

  4. ROGs behaviour on and off the pitch perfectly matches one another. Eating during the interview tells me all I need to know about him. He can stay in France. Irish rugby doesn't need this brand of chequebook coaching.

  5. The only value in otb is that people like O'Gara speak to them. Their drama queenery and sycophancy is hard to watch/listen to. The worst is this kind of hype-mongery and the other presenter who asks questions of pros/recent pros then continuously interrupts them as they answer.

  6. A few weeks back ROG was starting rumors about Goodman leaving Leinster and going back to New Zealand, heโ€™s an experienced player of mind games himself!! Everyone does it, and nothing Tracey said will have surprised him

  7. ROG looked distinctly uncomfortable about Treacy's comments were really on the money when you look at last years final. They got away with murder. Full marks to them if ref is not competent.

  8. This is a classic example of a couple of devious journalists setting up, a naive professional person (in this case Ronan Oโ€™Gara), to respond to what another naive professional person (James Tracy) has said. They were mischievously looking for a sensational tabloid tabloid style result. And in this case Oโ€™Gara, took the bait hook, line and sinker and he went with it. The two journalists got their juicy headline making interview. And two sportspeople have been manipulated and used for the benefit of two untrustworthy journalists. This is real down in the gutter stuff and it just ainโ€™t nice. I wonโ€™t be tuning in here again.

  9. Ronan OGara is a hugely successful coach and was not treated with much respect here. Trying to drag him into such a ridiculous conversation about the breakdown just added more fuel to his fire. He is so articulate about the modern game it would be a shame to lose him He will have little patience for this

  10. How many games has ROG been suspended for due to referee related behaviour?! Given a totally free pass and that "some teams concentrate on the game" rubbish ๐Ÿ˜‚

  11. Fair play ROG. Handled that interview really well. The lads did so much to draw him out on James Tracy interview. He wasn't aware of it but handled it so well as always. Very unprofessional by OTB guys

  12. This is uncomfortable. Regular listeners come for insights into ROGs role and it's usually an excellent piece. But trying to get a rise out of the guy to get headlines off them is a bit cheap really


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