Romans Way

#life #love #peace #news #world #family

We have learned this week that the heavens declare the glory of God.
The heavens vibrate a univerisal language duirng the day and universal knowledege by night.
All revealing the absolute majestic glory of God.
No one on the planet has an excuse.

We learned that the Gospel is the Power of God unto salvation for all nations, all peoples,
who truly worship Christ Jesus as LORD.

We learned that mankind has the warth of God upon it.
Mankind obviously observes the glory of God day and night.
Since creation, the heavens reveals God’s glory.
Yet Man rebelliously rejects God.
Man elects himself as a god or some vain imagination (image).

God so loved us; God gave us His only begotten Son.
Eternal Life is found in Christ Jesus alone.
However, if we chose to abandon God; and choose sexual deparvity,
and whatever
pleases us then “God gives us up to what we choose”.

To the point, the unsaved know exactly
the dire consequences of their own choices,
and choose eternal death with a sense of reckless pleasure.

We learned that God has commissioned every Christian to preach and teach the Good News.
It’s not just for the pastors and evangelists or adventurous missionary.
Every true chosen believer is an ambassador of Christ.

Today we experience Personal Evangelism 101.
How to lovingly, with wisdom and meekness, express the Good News.
This pleases Father God.

Father God reminds us: “He who winneth souls is wise”.

On His Majesty’s Services,

Archbishop of Jerusalem
Dr. Saffouri, DO, PHD, MCC, USMAHOF
Professor of Religious Philosophy
Christ Jesus College and Seminary
Christ Jesus Chapel


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